Chapter 11

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(Heathers POV)

I couldn't believe it.

Here she was, our mate, without her hood.

My wolf was ecstatic to see our mates face for the first time. Marleys face was really pretty she had great features that complemented her so well.

It was as if I was in a trance, I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

I could see Ambree talking to her but I didn't care enough to listen.

Though one thing did catch my eye, Ambree had said something and used her hands as a form of explaining something and whatever she said made Marley smile.

She smiled.

Marley smiled, I was so happy to see her smile, sure it was small but still it's gotta count for something.

Damn all I wanted to do was spend time with her just the four of us together, but I remembered what Lea said the night before.

I knew it was probably going to take a while before I could truely be with Marley and I knew that we were gonna have to wait but it she was worth the wait.

At this time it was around noon and time for lunch so I stood up and called for the attention of the crowd.

I looked down and saw Marley look up at us. I tensed a little upon seeing her gaze on us.

Though her face surprised me. She seemed just as transfixed on us as we were earlier.

I could feel the other two's excitement upon seeing our mate look at us. I met Marleys gaze and I could see her focus was on me completely.

She seemed so intrigued. I smirked upon seeing her reaction a strange sense of pride forming in me.

But I stoped smiling when I saw the attention of everyone else. I announced that lunch was about to begin and that everyone was to meet in the dinning hall.

To our surprise Marley followed Ambree to the room. I knew that Ambree said that Marleys diet was different since she was a dragon but I didn't question it and followed the crowd to the dinning hall.

The three of us took our places at the head table. Ambree took her place at the table closest to ours and Marley followed her.

I smiled to myself when I saw Marley soo close to us. I probably looked like an idiot from smiling so much but I didn't care I was just so happy.

The servants brought food out and people began eating. I glanced over and saw Marley look at some of the food in confusion.

She looked up at Ambree who then explained what certain things were. I wondered what kind of food that Marley normally ate to make her so confused to our food.

I smiled a bit finding Marleys confusion cute. After hearing from Ambree Marley began eating. She took smaller bites but ate none the less.

The room was not as loud since most people were eating but you could still hear chatter amongst the people.

The three of us didn't say much seeing as we were all hungry and eating, so it was mostly quiet at our table.

Ambrees POV

I looked at Marley who was currently eating. I wanted to ask about her training earlier but was cut off when they announced lunch.

"So Marley how was your training this morning?"

I asked her, Marley looked up at me, she looked around and spoke only this time in another language

"—————" it went well I practiced some fire.

She spoke to me in the old language of her people.

Marley taught me how to speak it so if we ever wanted to talk without other people knowing.

Marley also tended to speak it when she talked about her dragon or her dragons powers. I nodded my head in understanding and began talking back in the same language.

Marley seemed to perk up upon hearing me talk back in the same language and that's how we talked for the rest of lunch. I could tell people around us were curious.

I didn't know if it was the language or of hearing Marley talk but they all seemed curious.

(Lea's POV 5 minutes before)

I was excited to see Marley sit so close to us for lunch. Lunch was as normal, people were eating and talking though I didn't miss it when I heard Ambree have to explain the food to Marley,

I wonder if she eats differently since she's part dragon.

I thought to myself. I saw Marley begin to eat and a while later I heard Ambree speak up.

"So how was training this morning?"

I heard her ask Marley. I looked over to the other two to see them listening and looking over at Marley as well.

Marley looked around her and back up to Ambree. The act was found curious by me but before I had time to think about it Marley spoke up.


I widened my eyes upon hearing her speak. It was a whole other language so of course I didn't understand but I was still curious.

And her voice it sounded so prideful as she spoke in the foreign language. Her voice was almost a mixture of sweet and strong if that was even possible.

It was soothing to hear her voice even if it was for a couple of seconds. To my surprise Ambree talked back to Marley in the same language.

I couldn't help the small bang of jealously since Ambree was able to talk to our mate and we were unable to at least for now. Marley and Ambree continued to talk to each other in the different language.

I of course couldn't understand anything but I was to focused on Marleys voice to care. There was something so calming and soothing to it.

I could definitely get used to it.

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