Protective Taylor

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They've been dating about a year and a half in this story


Date night. Finally! It had been so long since they'd been able to just sit and relax at some random restaurant or bar or diner or wherever, and God it felt so good. The past two months they had to be extra careful with the paparazzi now that everyone knew about their relationship. They loved spending time together alone playing scrabble and watching old movies but special nights like this made Joe appreciate their relationship so much more. And as excited as he was to go out he made sure they stayed as hidden as possible. He could just relax with Taylor and she could live her day feeling a bit more normal. Even though normal was totally overrated to him. So, that's what they were doing, sat in a booth in the back of the bar, enjoying each other's company.

"No, no, you mean to tell me that she actually did that?"

Taylor asked, looking over me intently before sipping her wine. He nodded enthusiastically.

"Yes! And my god she was so embarrassed."

She let out a loud laugh, him shaking his head in amusement. He loved the sound of her laughter.

"I just can't believe Selena would actually do that. I mean don't get me wrong, I believe she'd be crazy enough, but to actually pull that off? No way. I cant believe she never told me."

She watched as he shook his head.

"There was water everywhere."

Then the door chimed, signaling someone's entry, and taking both of their attention. A whole group of large, bearded men came in talking loudly. She recognized one of them as the paparazzi that was always in front of her house. The first to snap a picture whenever and wherever he could. Taylor looked a little more uncomfortable now that there were many more people in the room, something that happened a lot more recently. Joe knew how this usually went down, they had talked about it the first time it happened and came to an agreement. They keep the conversation going, she doesn't have to engage if she doesn't want to and if she feels uncomfortable, they leave. simple as that.

"uh, but uh, she kind of recruited me. per usual when she gets herself into a mess. and it was a big one."

"I'll bet." she said quietly, looking over his shoulder and swallowing hard. He frowned, looking to the table in front of him.

"But uh we got everything figured out. the plumbing department was furious when they got to the house. and i still don't know how she got the insurance company to pay for all the damage. I mean damn, there was water running down the stairs."

She laughed a little at the end, watching his gaze shift back and forth. after a second he reached across the table and took her hand in mine.


he sent her a look, his jaw tightening.


She tested and he looked to the table.

"talk to me." Joe said softly

"of course she has to give him permission."

She heard from behind her, all the men laughing. he sighed hard, looking over her face. they had been chatting about them since they sat down and She was trying hard to ignore them. clearly they both were.

"maybe we should go."

he said just above a whisper.

"ill ask the waitress for the check, yeah?"

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