Fights and Makeups

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Taylor was someone who craved love and attention. Joe knew that all very well and indulged her every time she wants something from him; be it a kiss, a hug, or cuddling for hours, he'll give it to her because he knows she can't live without affection especially from him. That is why he tried, keyword is tried, his best to not get angry at her when she hugged him from behind when he was in the middle of doing something.

He would clench his jaw and tell himself it's fine, it's fine, don't lose your shit, she just wants to show her love and wants it in return. But it got too much to a point where she hugs him every minute of the day, be it when he's brushing his teeth, changing his clothes, doing the laundry or washing the plates, and he's about to lose his patience. She clung, stuck to him like cling wrap and refused to go away when he asked her nicely to.

Unfortunately, today was the day that his patience wore off and he decided her would tell him off, in a nice way, the next time she hugged him when he was busy with something. And he just had to, when he's watching his favorite T.V show in the living room. Despite knowing how Joe hated to be interrupted when watching his drama, Taylor still settled down beside him on the couch and pulled him in for a hug.

He snapped and lost his shit right there.

So Joe clenched his fists and leapt to his feet. Taylor stared up at her boyfriend with wide eyes, shocked that he pulled away from her hug after all the hugs she gave him. She was about to ask him why, when he started screaming at her. "For God's fucking sake, Tay! Could you stop hugging me every time you fucking see me?! Do you know how it feels to have someone clinging onto you every single day? I'm trying to watch my freaking drama! Go away and leave me alone!"

He immediately regretted what just came out of his mouth when he saw the immense sorrow in her blue eyes.

Taylor looked to the floor, heart broken when his words replayed in her ears over and over, and tears threatened to pour out of her eyes. "I...I just wanted to show you that I love you and I—I wanted to be sure that you were really here with me and safe... I'm sorry if I bothered you, I won't do it anymore..."

Though she was hurt, she didn't want to let him see her cry. She stood up wordlessly, with her head still down and dragged her feet to their shared bedroom. Closing the door behind her, she threw himself onto their bed, laid down with her legs crumpled into her chest and sobbed.

Joe just stood there, staring at the closed door and felt incredibly guilty. Though he was angry, he shouldn't have lashed out at her like that. He cursed, why couldn't you tell her nicely? Why did you have to make her feel unneeded, just like all her other boyfriends did?

His fists loosened and he slowly walked to their bedroom door. Hearing sobs from the other side of the door, he knocked twice. "Taylor, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. Open up and we'll talk about this, okay?"

She didn't reply so he pressed his ear to the door and heard her continue to sob and sniff. He frowned and laid a hand on the doorknob. "I'm coming in."

He turned the doorknob and entered their bedroom. Taylor got up to see him for one second before she dropped back down onto the bed and pulled the blankets over her body. "I thought you wanted me to go away, why are you here?"

"Tay... I'm sorry." he apologized.

Joe moved to sit down beside her on the bed and he turned to the other side, away from her. Easily deducing the position of his head from the outline of the blanket, she rested her hand on his head. "I'm really sorry... I only wanted you to stop hugging me so often. I didn't mean to shout at you. Will you please look at me?"

"I won't do it again. I won't ever hug you again, Joe. I'll keep my distance from you. You don't have to worry." Came her muffled voice from underneath the blanket.

Tears formed in his eyes. What has he done?

His voice broke as he struggled to keep his tears in. "I want to see your face. Please look at me."

Craving his comfort Taylor pulled the blankets away and sat up to look at him. Joe's lips trembled at the sight of her red eyes, tear-stained cheeks and wavering breaths. This was all his fault, he made her cry. He cupped her cheeks and leaned in to press his lips to hers. She remained there and did not move or respond to his kiss as he pulled back with tears now dripping down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry, Tay. Please just know I didn't mean to make you feel unwanted with my words. I was in a bad mood and I.. I know that doesn't excuse me for shouting at you."

Oh how she wished to take him in her arms and tell him to not cry, but she was equally, if not more, hurt than he was. "Joe... do you love me?"

His eyes widened at her question. "Of course I do. Why would you think I don't?"

Taylor gave him a sad smile and looked down at her lap. "I..I'm glad to hear that at least."

Joe felt that words weren't enough to convince her so he pulled her in, and pressed his lips to hers again as his arms wrapped around her neck. I love you. I love you. I love you. He kissed her passionately and hoped that it was enough to convey his love for her. She was irreplaceable and he would never stop loving her.

Taylor's hands twitched and moved to rest them on his waist. She tilted her head to adjust to a more comfortable position, and sucked on his lips. More tears dripped down his cheeks, as he was elated that she didn't pull away and returned the kiss. They withdrew from each other to catch their breaths and Taylor pressed her forehead to his to stare into his equally striking blue eyes. "I got the message, Joe. You love me."

"A lot." Joe corrected with a grin before it turned into a frown. "I'm really sorry."

When she pulled away, his heart skipped a beat because he thought she'd be sad again but instead, she sat in front of him with her legs folded under her thighs, hands on her knees and she bowed her head down. "I'm sorry too. I realized that I've been very clingy these few weeks. I promise to give you more space in the future."

"Baby, I forgive you so please raise your head. I have to apologize too, for yelling at you. I should have just told you at the start, before letting my anger take over. I'm sorry." Joe took the same position as his girlfriend and bowed his head leaning their foreheads together.

"Mm. Let's be more honest to each other next time, okay?" She asked.

He nodded. "Okay."

"Alright. With that all sorted out, let's clean up our faces. We look like a mess." She joked as she grabbed a few tissues and passed them to him before taking some to dry her own tears.

Laughing, he took the tissues to dry his tears as well. He stole a few glances at her as she wiped her tears and turned away when she caught him glancing at her. "Is there something on my face?" She asked.

Oh my god. I want to kiss her again.

"No..but—um—" Well, she did say to be honest with each other so...—"I want to kiss again... if that's okay with you." Joe mumbled, avoiding eye contact with her.

She chuckled and he spun his head to her with his eyes wide and jaw open, as if offended that she's laughing. "The fuck you laughing at—"

Before he could finish demanding why, she already had her lips on his and he smiled.

I love you.

Jaylor / Taylor Swift One shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें