Firepit and S'mores

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It was a beautiful summer night, with clear skies, a gentle breeze, and the smell of campfire smoke filling the air. The droning of cicadas and the crackling of the fire was accompanied by soft music drifting from the speaker propped on the handrail of the back porch. When Taylor first met him, she wouldn't have really guessed that Joe was the type to listen to the national, but now that she knew him as well as she does, it makes total sense. She was laying back on the blanket spread out in the grass just far away enough from the fire that it wasn't too hot and she wasn"t getting smoke in her eyes, watching the stars and waiting for Joe to return with some beers.

Taylor heard the back door slide open and shut again, and She sat up to smile back at him and accept her drink. Her face lit up more, though, upon realizing he wasn't just bringing out beers; he had brought out what they would need to make s'mores.

Joe seemed to have picked up on her excitement. "Now, you didn't think I'd go to all the trouble of makin' a fire and not have s'mores, did ya?" he asked, sitting back down next to her, carefully laying the very long roasting sticks he brought out, setting down the beers, and setting out the s'mores components.

"It wouldn't be the first time I've been denied s'mores at a bonfire," She admitted as She reached over to grab one of the sticks.

Joe made a face of absolute pure offence, and she snorted. "Who on earth did that to you? I gotta have a stern word with them," he said.

Joe tore open the new bag of marshmallows and handed one over to her. She popped the whole thing into her mouth and held her hand out for another one, and he laughed that genuine, deep laugh that gives her butterflies in her stomach. He gave her another one, then put one on his own stick, and stuck it near the fire, turning it so it would toast evenly. She quickly put together the graham cracker and chocolate bar portion of the s'mores before following suit. She scooted up next to him and leaned against his shoulder as they both roasted their marshmallows in relative quiet, the occasional glug of one of the bottles of beer interrupting the background noise when one of She took a sip. Before long her marshmallow was roasted to perfection, and She pushed it off the stick with the other graham cracker to complete her first s'more. Joe, however, kept his over the coals.

"You're going to have a little chunk of charcoal if you keep going much longer," She teased, playfully elbowing him as She smooshed her second graham cracker down on her marshmallow.

"Well maybe," he started, lowering his marshmallow closer to the flames. The marshmallow caught fire, then he pulled it out and extinguished it with a quick puff of air, "that's how I like my marshmallows." He grinned at his newly charred creation.

She rolled her eyes. "That can't even taste good," She said.

"Better than your raw looking one" he responded, putting the marshmallow on his own s'more and topping it off with the other cracker.

She shook her head slightly and took a bite of her s'more, then pulled it away from her mouth, a long string of gooey marshmallow falling down on her lip. Joe glanced over, then motioned to his own face to indicate that She had some marshmallow on hers. She smirked a bit and made a little bit of a show of using her finger to push the rest of it up and into her mouth, sucking her finger clean, wiggling her eyebrows at him in overacted suggestiveness. She laughed, then, and he laughed with her.

"You're so beautiful." He chuckled staring into he eyes. She simply giggled and shook her head.

"This was a great idea," She said before She took another bite of her s'more. "Thanks for getting the fire started and everything. It's a perfect night for it."

"You are more than welcome," Joe responded, leaning over and pressing a quick kiss to her lips. "Any time you wanna make s'mores over the fire, you let me know, love."

She smiled. "Be careful, or we might have a fire going back here every night," She warned, elbowing him again.

"You underestimate my willingness to make campfires," he said, putting the last bite of his s'more in his mouth.

"Well don't complain when I take you up on it," She said, following suit, and considering making another.

"Wouldn't dream of it," he said, wrapping his arm around her and pressing a kiss to her temple. "Anything for you, sweetheart."

She leaned into him, humming as She enjoyed his closeness and warmth, his presence, before She decided to make another s'more. She reached for another marshmallow, put it on the roasting stick, and placed it near the fire. It was a perfect marshmallow, golden brown and delicious around the whole thing, not charred like Joe's.

"Alright, I'll admit, that is a much prettier marshmallow," Joe said, pointing to her creation.

"And it tastes better," She insisted, sliding it off onto a new graham cracker with chocolate.

Joe hummed in consideration, then shook his head a little bit. "I think we may just have to agree to disagree, darlin'," he finally said, grinning over at her.

She sighed an exaggeratedly irritated sigh. "Fine, fine, I guess I can let this go," She agreed, taking a bite of your second s'more.

She ate in relative quiet for a while as Joe made his second s'more. She finished, then laid back, gazing up at the starry sky. Joe leaned back on one of his elbows and looked down at her. He just sort of watched her with a smile on his face, and She smiled back at him.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothin'," he said quietly. "Just thinkin' about how lucky I am to have you."

She scoffed. "No, if anyone here's the lucky one, it's me," She said, still smiling. "I mean, I got a badass British man with great hair who's amazing at making smores."

He laughed again. "And I got someone just as badass with equally great hair who's also amazin' at making smores," he countered, eating the last bit of his second s'more before leaning down to kiss her gently. "Maybe we both got lucky."

She smiled a little wider. "Yeah, I think we did"

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