Help Stranger Danger!

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Joe and Taylor's had become experts at hiding from the paparazzi in order to go out for an early morning tea, to wander the library, or just taking a nice walk around a secluded park at night. The one thing they hadn't done yet was go to a restaurant or bar together, but finally she let him drag her out to a bar on Saturday night, which she had quite literally no interest in doing. She just wanted to spend time with him, and this would make him happy so she got ready and headed out quietly.

"Taylor, you should drink something. It's a bar. Y'know. For drinking." He was leaning up on the bar next to her, his own drink ,some kind of ungodly concoction tinted bright blue, held loosely in his hand. She crossed her arms and swiveled her stool in a mini-arc.

"I wouldn't know what to get."

His eyes brightened and he signaled to the bartender, his face almost giddy. "Well, dear Taylor, I can certainly help with that." Joe said a few words that she couldn't catch to the bartender, and the man moved away to make her mystery drink. When it arrived, it was something clear and brown and, when she took a sip, smooth and sweet.

"This is... good?" She took another drink.

Joe smiled and patted her head condescendingly. "I do know my alcohol, I would think that I would know what you like." She smiled up at him, fondly but exasperatedly. Joe winked at her and scanned his fingers over the bar's surface.

A few minutes later she'd almost finished the drink.

"I gotta use the bathroom, you'll be good here?" He asked sipping on his drink.

She reached up and ruffled his hair, which made him scowl. Taylor swiveled back around on her stool as he sauntered off.

"Could I have another one please." Taylor said kindly to the bartender as he took her drink.

Not thirty seconds after he made his exit, a man slid into the stool next to hers. She didn't make much note of him, nursing her surprisingly palatable drink and waiting for Joe to return. The man, however, was not content to be ignored.

As the bartender tried to hand her back the new drink, the other man grabbed it instead, resting his hands on top of the drink, and quickly holding it out towards her.

Slightly weirded out, but trying not to think much of it she gave a slight smile and received it from the tall man, taking a few sips.

"I'm sorry if this is forward, but are you here with anyone?" His voice was unpleasant in a meaty, wet sort of way.

She almost choked and turned, a little startled to be addressed. "I... I'm sorry?" He waved a thick hand in mock-greeting. His face was round and fleshy and acne-scarred.

"I said, are you here with anyone? Like on a date?" She shook her head, the suddenness of the question fogging her mind. She was here with Joe, but they were supposed to keep a low profile in case anyone recognized them, so she answered on instinct. Before she could say anything to correct herself, he soldiered right on ahead.

"I'm Adam. What's your name?" She blinked a few times before answering. "Uh. I'm Taylor." He smiled a nasty little smile and ate a few peanuts in the dish on the bar, seemingly lost in thought.

"Taylor. Hm, Taylor. TaylorTaylor Taylor. It sounds nice?" He grinned at her like she should be proud of him. She nodded, uncomfortably, trying to scan the crowd for anyone who had noticed them, but took a sip of her drink instead almost done with it at this point.

"You should give me your number, TaylorTaylorTaylor." This time she did choke a little. "I- I'm sorry?" His smile stretched at the corners.

"You should give me your number." She felt her face contract. "I'm sorry, but I have a girlfriend, so..."

She trailed off her brain feeling a bit buzzy, and her vision becoming slightly blurry.

He narrowed his piggish eyes. "I've been so nice to you, and you won't even give me a silly little number." She pushed her drink away and tried to get out of her stool as he scooted closer, grabbing her arm. A frantic glance told her that the bartender was busy at the other side of the double-sided bar. She almost fell as her legs were giving out under her. She felt weird, different, not in the right mind.

"Back off, dude." She managed to get out, but He just grabbed tighter.

She tried pushing away, but everytime he just held on tighter and pulled her in closer.

It was like her body went limp, she could hold herself up, but that was about it. Something was definitely wrong. She frantically looked around the room, and that's when her eyes caught on the small object. A tiny pill capsule at the bottom of her drink.

She was always careful at bars, never receiving drinks from strangers, and making sure to keep her drinks covered. She thought back to him holding her cup right before he handed it to her that must've been when he slipped it in.

No, no this can't be happening. Where's Joe?

Completely in Adam's grasp he pulled her out of the chair and wrapped his arm around her pulling her towards the door. She tried her hardest to yell, or kick, but the drug had completely shut her down. Every noise out of here mouth was a meek whisper.

She knew exactly what would happen once he took her out of the safety of the busy place. It's no secret that's why the drug is called the date-rape drug.

In a final push of her strength she looked behind her right as Adam was about to open the door.

"What the actual fuck is going on here?" The familiar voice instantly put her mind at ease. Joe was standing over them, arms crossed. Joe glared at him. 

"Just taking my pretty lady home. And who are you?" He exclaimed in that horrible tone that made her shudder.

"I'm the guy who's stopping you from taking my girlfriend, jackass." He gritted through his teeth. Balling up his hands by his side. One of Adam's hands was grabbing around her waist while the other was still tight on her wrist.

She tried to wrench herself free, but couldn't. Joe noticed this, and promptly dragged Adam up by the greasy collar of his shirt, throwing him onto the floor. Taylor winced and rubbed at her newly freed arm. She held onto the counter to stabilize herself.

Joe threw himself on Adam, hell-bent on fucking him up. His fists made loud, wet sounds, and people were starting to gather around where they were fighting on the floor.

"What kind of person drugs a girl's drink. You're pathetic." He spit in his face.

Continuously punching the man's bloody face.

There was a loud snap, a pained scream, and Joe rolled away, clutching his hand.

Other people were calling 911, Joe quickly rushed to his girlfriend's side. He rubbed her  consolingly on the shoulder, and then went back to writhing in pain. He helped her walk as best as she could, and they hobbled outside together to wait for the police.

On their way out she took her delicious drink that was still by the counter and poured every last drop onto Adam's motionless, bloodied body.

And if  her boot came down hard on a few of his fingers, well. That was completely out of her control.


I loved writing this one!

Would you guys be interested in a more creepy Jaylor story, or if you hate creepy things let me know?😂💀

Jaylor / Taylor Swift One shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang