The Mourning

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I love and hate this at the same time, I made myself upset by writing it :/


Something's wrong with Taylor.

Joe's looking out the window and he can see Taylor's car in the parking lot, with Taylor still inside it. She'd gotten back from the grocery store five minutes ago and she's been sitting in her car ever since. The ice cream's gonna start melting if she doesn't come inside soon. Luckily, they were at her Nashville home, so no paparazzi were able to see past the gates.

Another couple of minutes, and Joe's just about to head outside and find out what's going on when Taylor gets out of the car, moving slowly. She's too far away for Joe to make out her expression and he steps back from the window before she can get closer, not wanting Taylor to catch him watching.

He's aimlessly messing around in the bedroom when he hears the door open and close and the familiar rustle of grocery bags as Taylor sets them on the ground to sit on the bench next to the door and take off her heels.

"Hey, want some help with--" Joe begins, wandering out of the bedroom, only to cut himself off when he gets a look at Taylor's face.

Taylor's crying. Tears are rolling down her face and dripping off her chin as she bends over to untzip her shoes.

"What's wrong?" Joe says, shocked, and drops to his knees next to Taylor, trying to get her to look at him. "Why're you crying Love?"

Taylor shakes her head and futilely wipes at her face.

"I don't wanna talk about it," she says, and shoves her shoes onto the rack, picks up the bags, and heads into the kitchen. Joe trails behind her. Taylor starts getting things out of bags and putting them away, all the while silently crying.

"Taylor, talk to me," Joe pleads. "You're freaking me out."

Taylor puts the milk in the fridge and stops with her back to Joe, her spine a defensive line, her fingers curled tightly around the fridge handle.

"Taylor," Joe says again, desperately, and rests his hand on Taylor's shoulder. "Hey. C'mon."

Taylor's silent for a long moment, long enough that Joe worries that Taylor's going to keep shutting him out, and then she makes a noise like a sob and turns, wrapping her arms around Joe's middle and pushing her wet face into Joe's neck.

"Aw, hell," Joe murmurs. Taylor doesn't usually cry so easy-- it must be something really bad to make her let go like this, to be this quick to accept comfort. "You gonna tell me what happened?"

He can feel Taylor breathing fast and hot against his neck. "She's dead," Taylor sobs out, and starts crying harder.

Joe's mind is going 1000 miles an hour. What does she mean? Who's dead? What Happened?

"What is it love, who's dead?" He asked her frantically.

"M-meredith, It's Meredith" She croaked out completely overtaken with tears.

"Shit, I'm sorry." Taylor's trembling against him. "Let's go sit down, okay?" He says sweetly, trying to stay composed not wanting to make things worse for her. He feels Taylor's nod, and half-carries her over to the couch. Once they're cuddled up together, with Taylor tucked between the arm of the couch and Joe's body, her face hidden in Joe's shoulder, she starts talking again.

"She was just lying there dead in the middle of the road," Taylor says, her tears steadily wetting Joe's t-shirt. "And I didn't even stop the car, I just kept driving. What if she was still alive? What if I could've gotten her help?"

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