03. the one outside the window

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( ! the one outside the window ! )

ONE WHOLE DAY had passed and Annie now sat on her living room couch with the TV remote in hand, the outside growing dark fast

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ONE WHOLE DAY had passed and Annie now sat on her living room couch with the TV remote in hand, the outside growing dark fast. Her mom had once again gone out for some late night drinking, throwing away any money she had saved that week.

The brunette moved through channels, not finding any that seemed worth her time. Deena was home watching her brother while Kate was babysitting down the street with Simon helping her with the drugs so Annie was at home, alone. She was happy her home was decently close to Deenas, which was the main reason the two had become friends in the first place.

Kate had warned Annie that Deena was still trying to figure out whether she hated Sam or was worried for Sam so Annie had quickly decided that hanging with Deena would end in either boredom or sadness.

She stopped suddenly on the news channel when seeing the janitor, Martin, on the screen. "He was a normal dude. Always thought he would, like, just go home and read a comic book or whatever. He was chill, just snapped I guess."

Annie seemed to tune out the TV as she looked at the picture on the screen of the mall killer. "Ryan Torres? Fuck." The girl breathed out to herself and suddenly she didn't want to be alone anymore. She knew Ryan, he often hung out in the movie rental shop she had worked at and talked with the girl on late nights.

Annie never expected he would be the one to just snap and go on a killing spree. Annie stood up, walking over to her wall phone before dialing Deenas house number. The phone rang for a bit before Annie knew she wasn't going to get a response.

She put the phone back on its holder to reset it and called Kates home phone, hoping her mom would pick up and tell Annie the number where Kate was babysitting. The phone rang yet again but this time Annie got a response. "Hello?" The tired voice of Mrs. Schmidt, Kates mother, spoke through the phone. "Hi, uh, it's Annie. I was wondering if you could give me the number to the home Kates babysitting at tonight?"

There was a short silence before Kates mom spoke again. "Hmm. Sure. I had expected you to already be over there. Let me see, yes. Okay, I've got it." Kates mom spoke each number out and Annie quickly reached to grab a pen. She wrote the number down on her hand, thanking the woman before hanging up the phone.

She had no clue why she was so freaked now. Ryan was dead and it wasn't like he was going to come looking for her. But for some reason just the idea of being friends with someone who ended up murdering a bunch of people freaked Annie out enough that she just wanted to be around other people.

Dialing the number Kates mom gave her, Annie looked out the window as she waited. Something caught her eye though as she saw a figure standing outside in the road. She could see them barely from the street light and Annie felt she might puke. Outside her house, staring right through her window, was someone dressed in the full skull killer costume, knife and all.

HAPPY ENDING ━━ fear street 1994, 1978, 1666Where stories live. Discover now