16. the fruits of the land

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( ! the fruits of the lands ! )

CHAPTER SIXTEEN ( ! the fruits of the lands ! )

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PAIGE SAT ACROSS from Oliver on her bed. He didn't seem to care much that she had a splitting headache as he wanted every detail so he could tell Constance about what they had missed. "So Caleb got a boner for Hannah Miller in front of everyone? That's the most interesting thing that happened?"

Paige sighed, they had been going over it for a while now. "Yes, Oliver. As I told you, there wasn't much you'd actually want to know about that went on. Unless you want to know all about Isaac and—"

"I think it'd be best if you kept that tale to yourself." Oliver cut Paige off, causing the older girl to smirk as he no longer had many questions. "Will that be enough for Constance to see she didn't miss out?" Paige questioned and Oliver nodded. "Yes, she'll be happy to know nothing extremely fun happened."

Paiges bedroom door suddenly swung open and Cynthia Marks walked through the door. Cynthia was a thin blonde woman (which often surprised people because of her children's dark brown hair) who wore a scowl on her face almost as much as a frown.

She had once been kind, but Paige couldn't recall it well. Her mother's smile often felt like a dream, one she wished would never end. Her father had died when she was 7 and Oliver was almost 6, so neither of the children remembered him too much now.

But her mother remembered everything about him and cursed to the sky's often for taking him from her. Paige guessed it didn't help that both of her children looked like their father, a constant reminder of who she lost on their faces.

"Heard you come in late last night. Thomas has been talking, Paige. Saying he saw Sarah Fier and Hannah Miller out late last night. Where you with them?" Cynthia questioned, her tone harsh and accusatory.

"I was— out. They were there but—" Paige started, unable to finish as her mother scoffed. "Is it your goal to ruin this family? We already lost your father, bless his soul, you think we want to lose you too?"

Paige frowned, it often felt her mother would enjoy if she was gone. She wasn't perfect and no matter how much she tried to be, it wouldn't happen.

Paige bit the inside of her cheek. "I don't know anything about Sarah and Hannah, mother. I spent my time with Isaac, Abbi, and Lizzie." Isaac. Her mother had never approved of the two of them either, much less anything else in Paiges life.

She wanted Paige to be with someone who would help their family's title in life, not someone who Cynthia deemed below them. But Paige had never cared, she loved Isaac and there was a reason their wedding was a secret for now.

Cynthia, after seconds of silence, ushered her daughter closer. "Come here." Paige stood, catching a small glance from Oliver. She quickly sent him a reassuring smile, letting him know it was okay. Paige didn't fear her mother and she wasn't going to start.

HAPPY ENDING ━━ fear street 1994, 1978, 1666Where stories live. Discover now