07. the sacrifice

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( ! the sacrifice ! )

"GUYS?" JOSH QUESTIONED, wanting to know if the rest of them were seeing what he was seeing

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"GUYS?" JOSH QUESTIONED, wanting to know if the rest of them were seeing what he was seeing. He watched in horror as a hand began to reform, reaching towards him. "Holy!"

"Run! Run!" Kate screamed, grabbing Josh as the hand went to grab at him. Everyone turned around to see the hand grabbing towards them all, messily running out of the bathroom. If Annie didn't believe this was some demon shit before, her skepticism had definitely run out now.

Annie ran backwards, running into Simon who wrapped his arms around her, at the sight of the hand. She quickly began to book it, sprinting along side Simon and Kate, with Josh running behind and Deena and Sam in front, the group sprinted into a random classroom as far from the bathroom as they could get. Deena went to grab the teachers desk and shove it against the door while Simon used the key next to the door to lock said door.

Now Annie was officially freaking the fuck out. She paced around trying to find a way, any way, that they could get out of this. It was beginning to seem hopeless and like there was no escape. No matter what they did, those assholes just came back. No matter how fast they ran or where they went, they'd be found and inevitably killed.

Annie made eye contact with Kate, who was looking around angrily. Annie quickly remembered how Kate told Deena if the plan didn't work she'd kill her, and the look on Kates face looked deadly. Annie had no clue when Kate would blow, but knew that whenever it happened it wouldn't be good for some people.

"Come on! They're coming!" Deena screamed, pushing the table. Kate looked to Deena, fed up with it. "They're gonna keep coming'!"

And there it was. Annie looked over at Kate, watching as she stood there completely still and just staring at Deena. It was honestly scary to see Kate look that angry as Annie had never seen it before. Kate had always been serious, yes, but she had always known how to make people laugh and often was joking around with Annie and Simon. So, seeing her that pissed was a new sight.

"We're fucked!" Simon yelled. Annie ran a hand through her hair, extremely stressed as Kate shook her head. "No, no! We are not fucked!" Kate then turned to Sam. "She's fucked. They're coming for her. If we put Sam in the hall, we end this now."

"You're a monster!" Deena stated, walking towards Kate looking betrayed. Kate sighed. "I'm being reasonable! We can't run anymore. A bullet won't stop them, fine. They're really strong. But we just tried to goddamn explode them, and that didn't work!"

"You're suggesting killing her." Deena replied, completely shocked with her friend. "I mean, that's not exactly what she's saying." Josh replied, causing Deena to turn her anger towards him. "Oh, you're on her side?"

"Deena you're acting like Kates the only one who's brought this up!" Annie defended, looking at Deena. She wasn't into Kate being made into a monster for the same idea she had and even Simon had.

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