19. widow mary

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( ! widow mary ! )

CYNTHIA HAD LEFT the group of four to allow them to relax while she went back outside

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CYNTHIA HAD LEFT the group of four to allow them to relax while she went back outside. She still believed Sarah was a witch and also wanted to keep an eye on the men of Union to keep them away from her house.

Paige walked back downstairs from her room, she had put on a new top, one that was a lot looser and softer as she just wanted out of what she had been previously wearing. She felt gross and dirty.

She took a seat between Isaac and Abbi, Lizzie across from her as they were sat in a circle. None of the girls were that talkative. They all had the same feelings about what had happened and were all still shaken up.

But the only thing on Paiges mind besides what had just occurred was Sarah. She hoped Sarah was okay, as well as Hannah. She hated being unable to help them but she had to keep herself safe. People were already far too paranoid.

"Let's all promise to never speak of what happened again." Lizzie stated. She wanted to just forget it happened. Paige nodded in agreement. She was on the same page as Lizzie, wanting any memory of the day as a whole to just leave her mind forever.

Her day started with the loss of her brother then took a turn that didn't make her situation feel any better.

"But shouldn't we talk about it? It can't be healthy to just hold down any and all feelings we have." Abbi replied, looking between her friends for their reactions and responses.

Isaac didn't feel he should speak up. He felt it was best to listen or rather allow them to move on. Whatever the three wanted to do he supported. He just wished he could have helped them earlier.

Lizzie turned her attention to Abbi. "If you'd like to speak, go ahead. I'm afraid if I continue on the next few words won't be the kindest to someone you care for." Paige automatically knew Lizzie was talking about Jakob Berman and sighed. "We mustn't turn on each other. All tonight proves is we only have each other and cannot trust many others. Fear is blinding and paranoia is dangerous."

"And I am not to blame for the actions of my father. He is a grieving man who has blinded himself in a way I cannot understand nor approve of. You mustn't forget, Lizzie, that all three of us were thrown down and stripped." Abbi stated, a passive aggressive hint to her words. The two girls stared the other down, waiting for one to back down.

And Abbi backed down first, frowning. "I think I'm ready to agree to the promise." Lizzie nodded, sticking her hands between the group and put her pinky fingers up. "Then let us promise to never speak of the event that took place ever again."

Paige put her hands in as well, feeling a connection on one side as Abbi also put her own fingers in. All three girls looked to Isaac, waiting for him to join.

His eyes widened in realization. "Oh, sorry." Isaac mumbled before interlocking his pinky fingers with one of Lizzies and one of Paiges.

"By doing this, we all swear to never speak of the event that took place in Paiges home. We agree to move on from it and forget it ever happened." Lizzie spoke, solidifying their deal.

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