20. the hanging of sarah fier

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( ! the hanging of sarah fier ! )

"I FOUND THE witch!" Solomon yelled, grabbing a handful of Sarah's hair as he dragged her out of the Meeting Hall

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"I FOUND THE witch!" Solomon yelled, grabbing a handful of Sarah's hair as he dragged her out of the Meeting Hall. Paige ran by the side of the building, hand covering her mouth as she looked at the sight in front of her.

Sarah's hair was a mess, there was dirt and sweat all over her. She had a gash in her hairline that was oozing blood. But what caught Paiges attention fast was the cloth around Sarah's arm, but her hand was gone.

The crowd continued to grow as Sarah cried out in pain. Lizzie took Paiges hand in her own, her own look of horror plastered on her face.

But Paige was confused. Confused as to why out of everyone, Solomon was the one holding onto Sarah. She had often seen how Solomon looked at Sarah. He loved her, and Paige didn't understand how he was now the one turning her in.

By this time the sun had begun rising, indicating the hanging would be starting. Paige hadn't noticed how much time had really passed until she watched Elijah Goode grab a large torch and light the top.

Many followed his lead, but the four didn't. Paige made eye contact with Sarah and her eyes filled with sympathy. Mounting a quick "I'm Sorry" to Sarah was all she needed to know. Paige didn't think she had done anything and she knew that meant the others didn't either.

It was a small calming feeling as her sobs continued. Knowing her friends were still her friends until death do they part. But then Sarah's attention turned to Hannah and she knew she couldn't let Hannah die for this.

Hannah had to live, and Sarah would make sure of it.

Everyone began walking to the giant tree right outside Union. Some held torches in their hands while others held nothing. Most of the town was ready to dispose of Sarah and Hannah, seeing them as nothing less than filth.

But as Abbi, Lizzie, Isaac, and Paige found themselves standing farther back from the action, all they felt was guilt and pain. They all wanted to do something, to speak up. But they knew that instead of two dead bodies there would be six if they said anything. Hannah and Sarah knew this too.

Hannah and Sarah stood before the crowd, chains wrapped around their arms and waists as they just looked over at each other. "The penalty for practicing witchcraft is death by hanging!" Elijah shouted, getting instant support.

Those around Paige were shouting to hang the two girls, Mad Thomas' voice booming over the others. Paige made anxious eye contact with Isaac for a moment, frown evident on both of their faces.

"Confess! Confess your sins or burn in eternal hell." Elijah threatened, watching back and forth between the girls. Paige noticed just how close he got when he spoke to them and it sent goosebumps down her arms. "Confess!"

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