x7. the date

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( ! the date ! )

"OH, COME ON, Annie!" Simon pleaded, walking besides the girl who was speed-walking down the hallway away from him as fast as she could

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"OH, COME ON, Annie!" Simon pleaded, walking besides the girl who was speed-walking down the hallway away from him as fast as she could. "No, Simon! It's not going to happen."

Simon frowned. "But why not? We've already kissed why can't we give it a try?" Annie shook her head. "No! Everything is perfect just the way it is, I don't want it ruined."

Simon sighed. "But it's obviously not perfect! And nothing would be ruined, it would be so much better. Look, I want to give it a try." Annie tried to quicken her pace again but Simon was just as quickly matching her pace again. "Look, I'm sorry but no! I don't want anything to change."

"It's already changed! Everything changed after that night." Simon responded. Annie took a deep breath in. "Then fuck that night. Because I liked how things were going and I really don't want this right now."

"What's so horrible about one date?" Simon questioned, trying to get Annie to actually look at him. She had been avoiding eye contact ever since he first asked her, but he wasn't giving up. "Because if it's horrible it'll be all awkward between us and I don't think I can handle that! And if—"

"And if it goes great?" Simon finished for her, his tone questioning for her to finish the statement on her own. Annie sighed and stopped walking, pulling Simon to a stop as well. "And if it goes great then I don't know what will happen. And honestly, I'm not too fond of either of those options."

Her frown deepened. "I don't want to end up like my mom, Simon. She's the most depressing person I know. And you know what made her that way?" Simon let out a breath. "Your dads death, Annie."

Annie shook her head. "No. Loving, caring, trying things like dates. She never would have got attached if she didn't let herself get attacked. I'm not making the same mistake." She went to walk off, but Simon grabbed her hand. "One chance. If it goes horrible, we forget it and go back to normal. And if it goes great, we figure it out."

Annie stared down at their hands. Simon had moved his hand to link with hers. She almost threw up on the spot because they fit perfectly together. It was like all of her fears were coming true. Even giving being with Simon a chance was going against everything she ever believed in.

He was her best friend. She hated that the universe did this to him. Because she wasn't the type that could be loved. It was work and no one had ever stayed through the hard times before. Everyone always left and that doesn't leave a very openly loving person behind.

Sure, somewhere deep down inside Annie there'd be that young girl thinking of falling in love and being happy, but that little girl had been buried far down and Annie didn't even remember her.

Who she did remember was the girl who couldn't sleep over the sound of her mother's wails. The girl who insisted she didn't care her father had died because not caring was easier than wishing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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