12. murderer on the loose

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( ! murderer on the loose ! )

CHAPTER TWELVE ( ! murderer on the loose ! )

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IT WAS TOTAL pandemonium. Kids were in the Mess Hall screaming and crying, especially when the lights went out. Gary was standing outside, ringing a cowbell to signal everyone to meet where he was as he screamed out for everyone to get inside. Nick was counting kids heads as they ran by, trying to collect everyone.

But all James could think about was Jeremy and the broken glasses. The poor boy couldn't have been any older than 10, and his life was already over. It chilled James to the bone to know this little boy with so much life to live was just laying in one of the many buildings around camp, dead.

"Everyone stay calm! Everything's alright! Uh, how many?" Gary questioned, walking over to Nick. He had come inside when the kids began to scream and no one else was finding their way towards the mess hall.

Nick sighed. "Twenty-three." Gary gasped. "That's 30 missing at least." Nick quickly walked past Gary and towards the phone on the side of the wall. "Wheres Cindy, Kurt, Joan?" Gary looked around, stressed and worried. "I don't know. I haven't seen them. Or Tommy or anyone. Maybe they're looking for us."

Nick sighed and slammed the phone down. "It's dead." James put a hand on Gary's back, trying to help calm down his friend. Ziggy walked towards the three boys. "We have to go. We have to warn people."

"I'm sure they heard the bell. Hey!" Nick stated quickly, reaching out and grabbing Ziggys arm. "My sister, she's still out there!" Ziggy struggled, pushing against Nick.

"Oh yeah? The same sister you've hated since you were a baby?"

James walked away from the two, following after Gary who was telling kids to get away from the windows. "Me and Gary will go." James heard Nick say and watched as Gary looked over terrified. "What?"

Nick didn't even acknowledge Gary, continuing to talk to Ziggy. "Just please stay here." Ziggy quickly began to fight back and Nick quickly yelled over her. "I'm not letting you get hurt."

Many campers turned their heads at that, whispering to each other about what the counselor had just said. James put his head in his hand, sighing as Nick didn't even seem to notice and put his hand on Ziggys face.

"Hey, you realize that's a camper, right?" Gary questioned, following Nick as he walked over to some flashlights. He handed Gary one. "Look, you make for canon one. I'll head to nine."

"Wait- wait. What if the killers still out there?" Gary freaked, looking at Nick. "That's the whole point, Gary." Nick responded, walking towards and then out the front door. Gary followed quickly before turning around to address the campers. "Hey, everybody! Stay here! Okay? Okay."

James bit the inside of his cheek but quickly flinched when Becky and the other one pushed Ziggy up against a wall, Will standing behind them. "Where is she, witch?" The second one questioned before Becky added, "what'd you do with her? Huh? You kill her like you killed Jeremy?"

HAPPY ENDING ━━ fear street 1994, 1978, 1666Where stories live. Discover now