Chapter V

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Gemma's POV:
I had no questions when it came to what male I was sleeping beside last night. Every instinct told me the second I woke that I should be bowing to my king. Why he had brought his daughter out so late I didn't know, but it wasn't my place to wonder. Perhaps she had toddled out of bed and insisted on joining him. It was well-known that the king is a pushover when it comes to his little girl.

"Daddy, she's blue."

It appeared Selene and I shared a pack gift. Each and every wolf has a special skill. Some can control an element, others have premonitions. The list goes on. A few months before my seventh birthday my pack members started glowing. I could suddenly feel my parents stress as leaders and the happiness of the pack children while we played. I could sense rising anger and steer clear of the ill-tempered.

Empathy and auras go hand in hand in most cases. Selene was an early bloomer with a gift that could easily cause an emotional overload without a filter. Was it my place to offer help? Last night I had felt worry and skepticism in the king. The latter was connected to his daughter's color sight. He had no empaths in the family to teach her.


Was some kid playing red light, green light? A small body slammed against my legs and I stumbled. Looking down I spotted a familiar black-haired girl. "Hello, there."

"Hi. Why are you still blue?"

"Selene, don't be rude."

"It's fine, Your Majesty," I said shyly. "There's nothing wrong with a new empath being curious. Especially young ones."


I nodded. "Like me. We read auras and emotion. Last night I was sad and blue. You had dark colors too, because of worry." He suddenly looked very uncomfortable. "Sorry. That wasn't my place." I turned back to Selene, crouching down. "Seven years ago some people I loved very much were taken from me. I'm sure I'll look blue for another few days, but there's no need to worry for me, sweetheart."

"Seven years is so long."

"It is, isn't it? See, the thing is, my mommy and daddy were my heroes. As Luna and Alpha the did their jobs, serving and protecting and then some more. Even now, people who knew them miss them. That means I miss them too. I always will, even on the easy days." I sighed. "I should let you get back to your walk. I hope we get to talk again."

"What's your name?"

I smiled. "Just call me Gem."

She launched herself forward, hugging around my neck. "You should feel red, like love."

My throat tightened. "Should I? Well, I can't see my own color, so you'll just have to tell me if I look that nice." She let go and I stood. "Your Majesty, feeling others' emotions can be overwhelming. If she needs any help, I can try my best."

"I guess we'll see. Thanks for the warning and offer, Miss Hart. Good luck in trial one."


"Hey, Hart. Wanna train? I was heading over to do some weights while the others are going through the riddle trial. You in?"

"Sure, Bradley."

"Great. Let's get going."

And if only in my imagination I thought I heard a snarl from a few yards back.
Zeke's POV:
The red wolf. Of course Gemma was the red wolf. Now...

"What did I say? Our pup trusted her."

"In both forms," I admitted. My mother's words echoed in my head. I had to let the barriers fall before Selene lost me for good. "Still, it can't be more than strong chemistry. We'll see how well she does in the trials. I need a strong queen beside me."


The eagerness to mate wasn't unnatural in wolves, but his insistence on top of my family's was starting to irritate me. "Daddy, I like Gem," Selene broke my thoughts. "I want her help."

"If you need it she's the first one I'll ask," I vowed. She's also the only empath I know and she offered help. Her hidden agenda... I worry her shy side could be a mask, yet I still feel so keen to trust her. "Sweetheart, I want you to go play on the playground right there. Don't stray, alright? The patio outside my office is open if you need me."

"Why can't you play with me?"

"These trials are keeping me busy, baby girl. I promise, a few weeks from now I'll be all yours."

"Will I go through The Lotus Trials some day?"

"Some day. And if you practice enough you'll fly straight through them. One day, angel, you are going to be a better queen than I am king. Strong, brave, smart, kind. With your mate at your side you'll feel unstoppable."

"Is that how you feel?"

I sighed, lifting her onto my hip. "Once upon a time I had a mate to love. So once upon a time I did feel like that. Now I don't feel quite that strong, but I think there are still ways your mother is with me today. She's watching over you and me both in the only way people we lose can."

"Like an angel."

"I suppose." I kissed her forehead. "Now, unless you have any more questions, Daddy has work to do. Can you go and play out there for me? I'll just be a few feet away."

She slid down my side, running towards the swing set a dozen feet from my door. I stood at the threshold, pulling out my phone and clicking one one of my most trusted contacts. "Your Majesty."

"Colin, call off the search."

There was a long pause. "The search for the killer, sir?"

"Yes. After this long the search for Samantha's murderer is pointless. It's a cold trail and I'm tired of you running in circles. Instead I need you to do another type of investigation."

"Of course. Name it and it's done."

"Gemma Hart. Daughter of Lucas and Maya Hart. I want a file on her. Top priority. A situations come up where I may need her assistance and I need to know she won't be any trouble. She's competing in this year's trials if that will help you find anything. Dig as deep as you can."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"And Colin, this is a solo assignment. Don't wind up the rumor mill."

"Understood. Goodnight, Your Majesty."

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