Chapter IX

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Zeke's POV:
When I arrived at the library with Selene, Gemma was already waiting between the two closest shelves. "Gem!" She jumped at Selene's bright voice, yanking her offending hand down to fidget at her side.

"Does something interest you, Miss Hart?"

She nervously tucked a wisp of hair back, looking as guilty as a child in the cookie jar. "It's a lovely collection. At least the few I saw on these shelves. I'm sorry if I was intruding."

"These books could use more attention. Perhaps after you assist Selene you can pick something."


Her blue eyes lit brighter than a thousand stars and the sight took my breath away. "The lesson, Miss Hart?"

"Of course. Sorry. I was just—Sorry. Why are you always smiling at me? Well unless you look like you want to tear my head off." My smile broadened and she huffed, sliding into the chair across from Selene. "So, I think you should try to tell me where to start. Has anything felt stressful or like there's too much in your head?"

"I felt people's feelings outside. The other kids were happy. A few people were upset. They looked red."

Gemma nodded. "I think the best way to start is by talking about colors. They're slightly different for each empath, but all in all, anger is red, sadness is blue. It's all a big stereotype."

"What's that mean?"

I found my lip quirking. Why can't I stop smiling around this pair? "It's what we expect of something or someone. It's like people expecting wolves are strong. Some of us are and some of us aren't. I'm pretty average, but I was the fastest wolf in Eclipse. I fit the stereotype for small wolves."

"Oh. So red means angry?"

"Yes, and you can tell if it's anger if you feel that emotion. If you don't then it's probably just their normal color."

"Why did Daddy have two colors?"

"Um..." She looked to me for permission. I gave her a short nod, still curious about this myself. "Well, if two emotions are strong enough, they can clash. Sometimes it's just different degrees—levels of sadness or happiness or whatever else. Sometimes it can be a whole group of different emotions." I was relieved at the subtle explanation. Kids might need very literal answers, but talking about my negative emotions in front of my daughter wasn't her place.

The rest of the session was fairly short and mostly revolved around Selene's questions. "Well, kiddo, I don't want to give you too much to think about today. Sometime soon you and I can talk again. Okay?"

"Okay." She ran around the table to hug Gemma again. "Bye. I'll miss you."

"I doubt it'll be very long, Selene," I said. "Wait outside and we'll head over for dinner, alright?" She scampered away and I pushed off the wall, gesturing towards the bookshelves. "As promised, Miss Hart."

She grinned, biting her lip with a little excited wiggle. I couldn't hold back my chuckle. "You always laugh," she said, her head turning over her shoulder with an adorable pout. "It's not nice. And if this is an exchange for the lessons, then I told you I can't accept this."

I hesitated, walking closer. It was time to start feeling this out. "Oh, but she's only completed one trial."

"Shut up," I snarled to my wolf.

"I'd call it an apology. And a thank you." I stood at her back, our bodies mere inches apart. "I did cross a line yesterday morning. Your accusations were rightfully aimed and being so worried, I lashed out." Her breathing had shallowed as that magnetic force built between us. "Thank you for forgiving my behavior enough to help Selene. I don't believe I've run across any books on empathy. Here," I murmured near here ear, reaching up to grab a random book from a shelf I knew she couldn't reach, "if you're struggling to choose, this is one of my favorites."

"Ah, so you're the fairytale type," she said, her voice tense.

Not one bit, but now I had to play the cards the shelf dealt me. "More of a mystery guy, but this is a good author." I pushed away, composing myself as well as I could. I needed her curious about our chemistry. "If that's all you'd like, Miss Hart, Selene is waiting outside, likely hangry by now."

"Is that a word?"

"In my mental dictionary. Good night, Miss Hart." And as I left the library to take Selene's hand I realized something very important. I had been close enough to touch that woman in ways that would have us both desperate. But I had found the strength to push away—and I'm still itching for more.
Gemma's POV:
"He was flirting with us!"

I rolled my eyes. "You heard him. The book was a thank you and I'm rather short."

"You know that's a load of—"

"Raya, there's a mating bond and then there's just chemistry. He already lost his mate and we're still looking for ours. Our mate is important to me."

"I know, but there's just something more."

"I wish we could find someone this early in our search. Maybe the next ball."


I headed for the door, nearly bumping into a couple arm-in-arm. "Oh," the woman said, startled by my hurry. "Excuse us."

"No, I was in a hurry. Sorry."

"You're teaching Selene, aren't you? I noticed you earlier with my granddaughter. Through the glass."


I started to bow awkwardly. "Don't. Please don't," the queen said, suddenly giving me some knowing smile. "I also saw you with my son afterwards."

From one side of the library, nearly caging me against the shelf. "He was just apologizing and recommending something. Nothing weird. He just went to get dinner if you're looking for him." I shifted awkwardly. "I'll just get out of your way. Have a good night."

"You as well," the king said, sounding a bit too tense.

"So, you've officially made a fool of yourself in front of all of the royals."

"Shut up, Raya."

I made my way back to my room without any further interruptions and flopped onto my bed, kicking off my shoes as I began to read about the twisted tale of a modern day Snow White.

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