Chapter VI

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Gemma's POV:
I paced outside the doors as I waited for my turn to face whoever hosted the first trial. I didn't know just how difficult these riddles would be, as I'd seen quite a few competitors leave the room unhappy, some even crying. How would I react if I failed today? If I fail, I at least have to reach the wolf fight.

The doors opened and a black-haired boy strutted out with a broad smirk. "Good luck," he told me.

I entered the room to find it empty. A cool breeze had me looking for any windows, but walls of stone were the only structure. It was certainly different than the rest of the normal rooms in the pack house. All part of the trial, I suppose. A fog creeped from out of nowhere, swirling around me in a thick ring that spanned the room, stretching inward for a generous five feet.

"Um, hello?"

"Gemma Hart," some invisible male crooned. "Welcome to trial one. The rules are simple. You have three riddles and an hour glass. You must be quick and wise in your answers. You may guess wrong, but you only have five minutes to answer all three."

My nerves skyrocketed. How difficult were these riddles? I was quick at home, but those were built for a young teen. I'm out of practice. "Start your clock," I said, my voice helplessly thin.

"Without a bridle or a saddle, across a thing I ride astraddle. And those I ride, by help of me, though almost blind are made to see. What am I?"

I frowned, again thinking through so many brain teasers from my childhood. My father loved them and Zander took after him, the brainiac. Still, this eluded me. Perhaps this ominous being peered into my past before selecting it's riddles.

"No saddle, riding astraddle," I mumbled. "Animals probably aren't involved." I cocked my head, turning the words over. "The blind can see."

"I swear, if this has some biblical answer about turning blind men—"

"Almost blind," I cut my wolf off. "The almost blind can see. It's astride a nose. The answer is glasses."

"Quick and clever. For riddle two: I settle close and rise when far. Lives I claimed while I provide. Humans love my paired glow, yet fear my traits when far from home. What am I?"

That one I found so simple. With the glow comment I hesitate for a moment but it's an elusive way to name a sunset. "The ocean. Give me riddle three."

"Very well, child. But be warned, I expect no answer today. You have already passed your first trial. With this you must tread cautiously." A stronger gust of wind whipped through the room, strong enough to knock me to the floor. I didn't risk getting up as the voice dropped multiple octaves, chanting it's eerie riddle.

When the north born claims the crown
Peace within us will be found
By the witch's mark that joy be plagued
The Lotus moon drop meets her grave

While wolves weep the flower spreads
A darkened power paints us red
With the cloak of darkness wide
The gem of light must save our kind

If she fails then her hidden heir
Will fall from grace despite our prayer
Should the witch's claim strike the kingdom's core
The king-to-be will breathe no more.

A clap of thunder shook the room and the door was flung open, a lanky boy and girl my age, dragging me out by my arms as I quivered. "What the hell?" the girl breathed as the doors shut, her brown eyes wide. They were a startlingly beautiful shade, just one hue darker than her skin. "Are you alright? We can get you to the pack doc."

"No. No, but someone should get word to the royals about this. Find a guard or something. I'll be fine. I think everyone else will too. I was the only one it happened to and it said this was a riddle to sit on."

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