Chapter XVI

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And here we have an Christmas bonus chapter. Merry Christmas everyone.
Gemma's POV:
"I did it! I did it, Gem! Your color's gone!" She smiled. "Your color changes a lot. Not like when you feel really happy. Just normally."


"Yeah. Right now it's pink, but a few minutes ago it was green." I furrowed my brows, not quite believing her. I'd never met anyone who could change colors.

"You also refuse to look at other people's auras."

"Shut up, Raya."

"Well, ladies, how are things?" I turned, noting a bit of awkwardness is Zeke's stance.

"Perfect actually," I said. "We picked up where we left off and she nailed it. Young talent you've got here."

"Good." His pride was clear.

"I thought it was going to take a little longer, honestly. Do you have anything else you want to learn today, or do you wanna go get dinner?"

"Dinner! And you're coming too!"

I cocked my head. "My mother—" Zeke cleared his throat awkwardly. "My mother would like to know if you have any dinner plans tonight. I'm sorry. Don't think this is some term to training Selene. It's entirely optional."

"It's fine," I said shyly. "I just hope you don't see this as an obligation."

"We'd all be thrilled to have you, Gemma."

"Oh," I mumbled, feeling my cheeks warming. "I'd love to, then." Selene squealed, dragging me out of my seat, much to her father's amusement. "You're a strong, kid, you know that?"

"Selene, go on ahead. I need to speak with Gemma."


He waved me towards the mystery section of the library. "Oh, I didn't bring back that other book."

"Unexpected lesson. It's fine. Bring it next time."

"Okay. So, what did you want to discuss?"

"My family knows about our outings." I nodded. The blush that had faded came back twice as hot. "They expect soon enough I'll be more open about what we have. Whatever it is. If they say anything suggestive at dinner, I can't ask you to react one way or another. I don't know what all you want or if you're even staying here much longer. Just don't let them sway you from whatever path you see."

"I'm sure I'll be fine, Zeke." He gave me a nod and I suddenly realized there were only a few inches between us. He was beginning to make me wonder about what path he may be seeing. I ducked my head, at this point tempted to put a bag over my head before he told me I looked like a tomato on legs. "Quite a collection for this genre. I have to say, I've only read a few James Patterson books. May I?"

"Take your pick." Not wanting to keep him waiting, I selected the first book to a series. He gave me an amused look. "And she chooses 1st to Die. That doesn't sound good."

"It's a murder mystery, Zeke. Should it sound like sunshine and rainbows?"

He put a hand between my shoulders, pushing me towards the door. "Come on. My mother is nagging through the mind-link."

"And do you always listen to your mother?"

"If I want to keep my head." I giggled, getting him to crack a smile.

A moment later we reached the dining room set for the family dinner. "You two took your time," Darien said smartly, forking a glazed carrot.

"Too hungry to wait?" Zeke responded, his voice much drier. He set my book on a table in the next room before pulling a chair towards the right end for me, just beside his at the foot. "I was prepping Gemma for interrogation if you must know."

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