Chapter XXXII

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Zeke's POV:
"I've always teased Gem for being a pack mini-mom," Kyle said. "Looks like it paid off. The empathy thing helps, I think. She's observant and she might not pry with adults, but if something's off with a kid she always figures it out. It helps the shy ones around here a lot."

I nodded. "I can't say I'm surprised. I made sure Selene was good about stranger danger, but with Gemma that little lesson was hopeless."

He hesitated. "I don't mean to pry, but after the whole myth turned reality I wonder... Is it different with Gemma? With the first and second bond, is hers weaker?"

"Before I found myself believing in second chances my wolf was standing against me. He said he was heartbroken too, but Gemma made him happy. Happier than he ever had been before. I think that was what prompted my own leap of faith. I found myself in the same boat in the end. I don't know why. I don't know if my memories are simply failing me and the bonds are identical, but I feel more than I remember feeling in the past. Nothing I said yesterday was for the sake of the camera or whatever else."

I felt my knee bouncing, a bit anxious with Selene being so upset. "She'll be fine," Zander told me. "Gemma didn't have anybody to teach her so she had episodes like that all the time. It gave her some bad migraines, but she usually slept it off. I bet you Selene's already out like a light." I nodded, unhappy with hearing this happened often to Gemma. I didn't like hearing it could happen again to Selene. "If you want to go up her bedroom it's in that first hall. Third door on the left."


I was done spilling my guts here anyways. My relationship with Gemma really wasn't any of their business, family and friends or not. I slipped into the room, taking in the theme with admiration. The bed, however was where my attention lingered. Both of my girls were curled up under the comforter, their breathing slow and even. I grinned, kissing their foreheads.

Selene was out cold, but my mate slept lightly enough the soft peck woke her. "Hi," she whispered, stroking Selene's soft hair.

"Hi. Your brother told me this is pretty common. You're not feeling overwhelmed, are you?"

"As a child I learned this stuff alone. I'm fine now unless the situation is really bad. I just happened to fall asleep with this one."

I nodded. "Good. Are we all cramming in this bed tonight?"

"No. There's a room for you down the hall." I scowled. If she was lying she was excellent at keeping a straight face. Still, she didn't take long to break the ruse, giggling at my irritation. "The room's for her if she's comfortable alone in a new place."

"This is the first time she's left the pack. I don't get much vacation time. We'll try it." I leaned down, kissing her. "Come on. We can check on her later."
Gemma's POV:
It was just like I remembered. The pack went all out, the teens and adults running several flattop grills at once to add burgers and hot dogs to the rib racks that had been slow-cooking since early morning. "I'm so glad the weather cooperated today," another friend of mine said as she flipped a fresh batch of burgers.

"You're amazing, Lauren. I remember standing over these grills a couple of years ago."

"Yeah. It was about two-thousand degrees if I recall," she agreed, misery evident in her voice. "And those sunburns we had."

"You're looking a little pink. You go find some other friends to hang out with. I'll handle the rest of your load."

"No, Gem. I agreed to the station."

"Mhm. And I'm sure it was you awake at five a.m. throwing on the rest of the barbecue as well. Get some shade, Lauren."

"Okay, mother hen!" She handed me the spatula. "You're the best. Love you, Gem." She checked her watch. "By the way, Tony's picking up my spot in about forty-five. I'll tell him you covered me." I gave her a thumbs up, waving her off before flipping the patties.

Friends and acquaintances were in and out of my space chatting  as I stacked finished burgers and hot dogs. Before I knew it Lauren's little brother was behind me in no time. He was my age, the pair of us two years younger than his sister. "Hey, Tony. How you been?"

"I'm doing all right. You know, there's a little starry-eyed sweetheart at the last table asking after you."

"Selene's precious," I agreed. "One reason I chose to believe in everything."

"I got the food. Go see them, Gem."

I gave his hand a squeeze before grabbing a burger and some potato chips, weaving through the crowd to Zeke's table. Selene beamed as I sat down beside her, directly across from my mate. He reached over, kissing my hand. "You're burned."

"Less than an hour at the grill and I burn. Oh well. I'll heal."

"Ever hear of sunblock, love?" I shrugged, knowing I'd have terrible chills by tomorrow morning. I cut my burger in half, digging in rather inelegantly. "Hungry?"

"Yep. Lucky me. Normally this heat leaves me wanting to vomit anything I eat." I turned to my right. "You get enough, Selene? I can serve you up some more."

"I'm stuffed. Can I go play?"

"Drink some water first," Zeke told her. "And you need more sunblock."

"Why do I have to when—"

"You are still a child. As your father, I can tell you when you need sunblock. Gemma can make her own choices. Now, your choices are sunblock or you play inside for the rest of the visit."

She pouted. "Come on," I told her. "I was being a bad example. We should both put some on."


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