Chapter XIX

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Zeke's POV:
It stormed for the next few days, increasing my anxiety. To my surprise, on the first clear night Gemma did meet me in the woods. I leaped to my feet, nuzzling her snout. She staggered back, blinking as if she wasn't quite sure where she was. "Gemma?"

"How did I get here? I was getting ready for bed."

Hearing that was like a punch to the gut. "Your wolf had the opposite opinion, I take it? She accepted we're mates and you didn't." She turned away. "Wolves can force blackouts when they oppose their human side. If feelings are strong enough they can take total control, leaving you with memory gaps."


"Gemma, I don't know if this is fear or denial or whatever but I know you felt what I felt." She settled in the grass, still refusing to face me. At least she's not running. "Gemma, please. Take a leap of faith for me."

"I think I can believe what you think. But what all do you want?"

"What I know," I corrected her. I have that faith now and I wouldn't hide it. "You. As a member of Lotus. As my mate. As my queen."

"Zeke, what kind of queen brings danger to her people? I've been sabotaged and attacked. I don't know what's going to happen during the third trial. You don't either. People here are scared enough. I can't be what you want."

"Then where will you go? You can't bring danger to Eclipse. As a rogue you'd be hunted. I couldn't stand knowing that's the path you set yourself on. Dragged back to Eclipse maybe, considering your status. Then you'd be forcing your brother to hand down a sentence."

She stood. "I'll figure something out. Go somewhere and avoid a scene. This probably started with the mating ball. My location was exposed. Whatever connection I have—"



"Rick Blackwell is Sam's cousin. No one is more loyal to the crown. There's no one more disciplined and honest. It's why his open attack startled me. If he assumes we connected like we have then he wants you dead for Sam's sake."

"He wants Darien as king?"

"If it means I don't replace Sam, I guess. Unless he's the one to usurp me. He's contained for interrogation, but you never know if he's got a partner around."

"You never know, do you?"

Before I could say another word she bolted, giving me no illusion of our nightly chase. I was again alone in the clearing that had become our place.
Gemma's POV:
I knew what would happen if I agreed to be his mate. He'd be like every other mated male I saw, overprotective and possessive. "Any other male. Because if he isn't our mate then our real one would turn a blind eye to is being in danger?" my wolf pointed out as I sat down at the table for Selene's next—maybe final lesson from me.

Trial three is tomorrow. Staying any longer is too questionable for now. "Gem!"

"Hi, sweetheart."

She frowned. "You look sad again."

I couldn't help but glance behind her. "It's fine, Selene. I'll be okay."

"Okay. So what's next?"

"Do you think you're ready to block emotions? You'll have to start with blocking the colors."

"Gemma, do you have to leave when the trials are over?" I sighed. "You look sadder. " She scurried to my side. "Gemma, don't leave."

"Sometimes we have responsibilities we don't like. My responsibilities are away from Lotus."

"Just for now, though, right? You'll come back? Or you'll visit?"

"Selene, you're here to focus on your lesson," Zeke cut in. "Sit down. Block her colors." She burst into tears and it tore my heart to ribbons. Zeke caught her before she could reach the library door. "Selene, I need you to be a big girl about this. I know you've had a lot of fun with Gemma, but Lotus isn't her home pack."

He sent her around the corner to take a minute to compose herself, leaving Zeke and I in an awkward silence. The lesson, as I expected, was unsuccessful. She glumly left the library and I shyly called for Zeke. "Can we talk for a minute?"


I hesitated. "Do you really think things will be safe? You know, if I stay?"

"I know I can keep you safer here than in some open rogue territory. I know I want you at my side so we can figure all of this craziness out together. I want our happily ever after right here, Gemma." I slowly made my way over to him, stepping into his arms. His hands came to rest on my hips, but he didn't meet my eyes, instead turning his head so I'd only see his tensed jaw. "Don't play games with me, Gem. Yes or no."

I reached up, standing on my toes to kiss his cheek. He relaxed, turning to meet my eyes. "I think—Zeke, I think you'd be easy to fall for. Easy to love. Maybe I have already. I think if this isn't what we think it is it will break me if I find my real mate."

"What we think?" I nodded. "Yes or no," he repeated. "Say it now."

Holding the back of his neck, I tugged him down and kissed him without restraint. It turns out I hadn't imagined the perfection of our first kiss. Because this one was better. I felt it click like a puzzle piece. As I gave in, accepting what he suspected, I felt that click. I'm his mate. We broke apart and he spun me so I was giggling.

"Say it. "


"Say you'll be my mate."


"Say you'll marry me. Say you'll wear my crown. Be my queen."

"Until your daughter takes her place as queen I'll be yours."

"Our daughter quite soon."

I smiled. It wasn't a rush if it felt right, was it? This wasn't a reckless flip. I was giving into what I'd wanted for some time now. I wanted all strings attached. So with another light peck I voiced my agreement. "Our daughter."

So for a few too-short moments he held me there, his grip tight as if a loosened hold would send me running again. I didn't mind the contact. He kissed my forehead. "Come on, Gem. The family is expecting us."

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