Chapter XXVII

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Gemma's POV:
I knew there could only be a few more people here today than during the third trial but the attendance still seemed so much larger for some reason. I guess I'm more nervous than I've been implying. Instead of the open ring I'd been in a few days ago there was only a large platform and podium in the center of the stadium.

I looked around me. Seven of us had made the cut and we'd all spaced ourselves alphabetically in a semi-circle. "I'm starting to like seeing you in dresses."

I hid my smile as I heard Zeke through the mind-link. "A rare treat for you, unfortunately. They're rather impractical for my day to day activities."

"What a shame."

The mind-link cut as he arrived at the podium, the cameras likely focusing in from wherever they were. Silence immediately washed over the stadium. "Welcome back everyone. Today I give you the names of the victors and their packs. I'll be giving another special announcement afterwards, but that can wait.

"From the Blackfang pack, we have Andrea Carter and Kaden West." He waited for the applause to die down. "From the Blue Moon pack, we have Joshua and Taylor Davis." Another round came along with a few whoops. "From the Eclipse pack, we have Gemma Hart." I was relieved at the natural reaction. At least most of the crowd wasn't looking at me like I was a freak. "From Silver Crest, we have Gabriel Lovelle. Lastly," he started with pride, "from Lotus, we have Darien Winters."

I grinned as the younger brother gave a dramatic bow. "For announcement number two, big brother," he responded, wiggling his brows. "Does it come with a fancy speech?"

Zeke took a deep breath. "Three years ago, this pack faced a tragedy that seemed impossible to recover from. Especially on my part." A good half of the crowd bowed their head, acknowledging their lost queen. "I knew what would one day be required of me. That day has finally come. Too soon, I thought just a few weeks ago. And then I crossed paths with a woman I couldn't ignore."

I caught a glint of silver as he tipped something into his palm and my eyes went wide. Was he about to publicly propose? Oh, this had Sienna written all over it. I watched carefully as he stepped off of the podium, dropping to our level. He stopped just a foot away from me, smiling softly. There wasn't so much as a whisper in the crowd as he reached to stroke my blushing cheek before indeed dropping to one knee.

My breath caught as I spotted the ring he held. A beautiful princess cut stone I instantly recognized. It was Mom's ring. This was definitely Sienna's idea.

"Zeke," I mumbled, blushing.

"Too late," he said through the link, a twinkle in his eyes. "Gemma Hart," he began, his voice carrying. "At first you were a girl I felt I needed to protect." I scoffed. "And then you were the girl my daughter had come to love.  The only mother figure she could have any memories of. In so short a time you healed me. You healed my family, bringing my parents a daughter again. I won't ever hesitate to say I love you more than anything in this life. I was blessed with a second-chance mate and from this day on I will do everything in my power to protect and cherish you. Gemma Hart, will you marry me?"

"Yes." Somehow I managed to hold back the waterworks as he slipped my mother's ring onto my finger, already resized in Eclipse. To have the privilege of wearing her wedding set was a gift I'd cherish. He stood, kissing me, unashamed of our company. The werewolf world was watching us and I didn't care either. "Credit to Sienna?"

"When you said hopeless romantic, you really meant it." He pulled away, still keeping an arm around me. "I present to you Gemma Hart, the next Lotus Queen."
Zeke's POV:
My mate was camera shy. I knew this would get publicity even if we were on air but apparently she wasn't counting on that. "All part of being queen, sweetheart."

"Tell me it'll die down."

"Sure. Until the wedding." She groaned. "Come on, Gem. We need to check on some prep for tonight."

Tonight. The banquet. The ball. "You know, there's a reason you didn't see me dancing at the mating ball."

"Oh? Hopeless on the floor, are you?" Seeing as the ballroom was just down the hall, I took the opportunity she had presented me with. "Come here. Banquet prep can wait. You and I are going to remedy this issue here and now." I swept her into the large room which was nearly decorated for tonight's events. Humming a common waltz I knew, I began to guide her across the floor, counting our steps aloud. She figured out the pattern quickly and I started another dance. "See?" She giggled as I twirled her under my arm. "You're a natural. You just needed a competent teacher."

"Thanks. Now I won't make a complete fool of myself tonight."

"There you two are!" Mom hurried into the room, taking her by the wrist. "Come on. You need to try on the dress!"

"I was just going to wear mine from the mating ball." My mother looked positively horrified. "What's wrong with that?" My mate turned back to me and I did little to hide my amusement. "Why are you smirking? What's with you two?"

"You're wearing the new dress," Mom snapped. "Now come on. You took too long waking up. If it needs altered we need to do so now. "

"Humor her, Gemma." My mate scowled but didn't put up any more of a fight as Mom dragged her down the hall. If I knew anything about my mother, my mate would be the belle of the ball tonight.
To make up for the last chapter being short.

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