Chapter VIII

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I forgot. Again. I'm feeling that college stress. I'm sorry. Enjoy.

Gemma's POV:

"Miss Hart."

"Oh dear. Hottie alert."

I rolled my eyes, shutting the door to my room. "Hottie alert? Really, Raya, did you forget that's the king?"

"Does that make him ugly?"

I sighed. "Your Majesty, how are you this morning?"

"You already know the answer to that, I'm sure."

"I actually try to avoid looking at auras. Most people find empaths to be intrusive. Stronger emotions can't be blocked, so yesterday I could see yours." He didn't need to know how strong his were and that I could read him like a book any time I saw him.

"How courteous. I wanted to discuss something with you." His eyes darted up, likely observing my head injury. "Something about your trial."

"Alright. Shoot."

People had started milling about the hall. "Could we..."

He gestured towards the room. "Alright." Rumor mill, here I come. "I need you to tell me exactly what happened in that room." I sat down on the bed, crossing my legs and resting my elbows on my knees. "I went in and there was this wind and then the smoke came in. It gave me a couple of riddles with the standard what am I form. I asked for the third riddle and it said I had already passed my trial and that the third was something to think over for a while."

"Do you remember it?"

"Yes, but I wrote it down too. I figured you'd send someone in to interrogate me, so..."

"Interrogate? Am I really so intimidating, Miss Hart?"

I bit my lip, blindly shoving the paper in his direction. He sucked in a breath and a nearly black aura flickered around him. "What is it?"

He grimaced. "Nothing. I've never seen this before. It's not exactly pleasant to read."

I leaped to my feet. "Bullshit. You have seen or heard this and you're terrified by it."

"Are you accusing your king of lying."

"I think you're arrogant enough to know you can."

He towered over me, gripping my chin. "On the rare occasion I do lie it's to protect my people."

"I don't need protecting. I need answers, Your Majesty."

He smirked. "Do you often play with fire, Miss Hart? It seems in my company that tongue of yours has no limits. Were I a less patient king it would get you in some very serious trouble."

"What does that riddle mean and why are you so scared of it?"

"It predicts the death of an anonymous innocent. Why do you think? And before you ask who, note the key word, anonymous."

"I'm not an idiot."

"Based off your attitude some would argue that claim." He was right. I was being reckless. Pulling out of his slackened grip, I retreated a few feet, dropping my head. "Better."

I flinched at his tone. "Look, since I'm apparently such a mouthy pest, maybe it's best we just steer clear of each other. After the trials I'll find some pack to join. You'll never see me again."

"Is that your way of kicking me out?"

"I don't know, my mighty king. Will it earn me a punishment?" He smirked. "What, so now my sass is funny?"

The Lotus TrialsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant