Chapter XVII

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Gemma's POV:
Apparently I had made quite the impression on the older members of the family because the very next family dinner, just four days later, I was invited back. And once Jackson and Selene were off to bed I was sitting with Zeke's parents waiting for my own story.

"July, 2014," Zeke's father began. "There were rumors floating that a pack had allied themselves with a dark coven. The outcast witches who gathered were providing extra protection and magical resources. We had to assume Black Rose was planning an attack. One that would require magic... Lotus is the home of the royal family for a reason. By the way, we've come to a conclusion about the witch cloaking our pack. She and her coven were murdered not long ago."

That certainly wasn't a pleasant thing to hear, considering recent events in Lotus.

"The shields will be back up soon," Zeke said, attempting to comfort me. "I've arranged something."

The previous king nodded once, returning to the story. "I reached out to the pack I trusted most. Your parents weren't the closest leaders, but I knew they'd keep quiet and they were close enough to hope for an alliance with Black Rose. For Harper and myself they were willing to take that risk, traveling alone. Their bodies had been moved, but your pack managed to trace their murders back to the point of origin.

"That road has been combed over a thousand times. I put out as many of my people as your brother did, but to this day we know nothing. I know the traditions in Eclipse. You were far too young to plan and lead a funeral."

I wiped away a tear. "Zander tried to help, but stepping into my father's shoes..." I swallowed. "What happened to Black Rose?"

"The next team that went out had equal magic on their side. They were larger. Many Black Rose members and the witches were killed. Some, unfortunately escaped. Your parents' murderer was likely killed too, but we can't be sure."

"Was there only one?"

He nodded. "The bullets were to attempt to cover their tracks, but there was a magical signature on their bodies. The witch or warlock was unregistered. I had a witch I know clean them of it before they were sent back to your pack. Very few know the truth."

"I think that's best, even now. People will wonder if this could happen again. Eclipse doesn't need that sort of panic."

"Neither does Lotus," he agreed.

"I think—I think I need to talk to Zander. He needs this clarity as much as I do, even if it can't lead us to anyone. If you'll excuse me?"

"Of course," Harper said, squeezing my hand.

"Come on," Zeke said. "I'll walk you back." I nodded, not so much as jumping at his hand low on my back. I sighed, not making any protest when he opened the door to my room, walking in without hesitation. "You gonna be alright, Gem?"

"Yes. I think I just need to get it all out. Tell Zander. Ask him about the attack from Blackwell."

He stroked my hair back. "Maybe you should stay in tonight. You're exhausted from this and it's going to storm anyways."

I nodded, then felt the hysteria starting to build. "It's crazy." My voice pitched up, jumping a half octave. I can be attacked by a wolf and be just fine, but one little story and I—" I choked, and suddenly realized I'd only cried for them once. Just once I had sat down and really truly thought about how they were gone. I told myself I had to look as strong as Zander. I've never really grieved them."

He sat down, pulling me against his side and rocking me gently. Part of me felt like he was treating me like a child. The other part wanted him to take care of me. I didn't even notice when he had shifted me into his lap. As the tears slowed he offered me the Kleenex box. I slid off his lap, instantly feeling mortified.

"I—I'm sorry." I went into the bathroom, splashing water on my face. "I'm so sorry. You aren't here to see my sob fest and—"

He reached forwards, cupping my face and kissing me. I was still for a moment. This was crossing a line wasn't it. But then, how different are our wolves from Zeke and myself. I gave in, melting against him and letting him take control. He held me close, drawing me deeper and deeper until I was drowning in him. It felt so perfect. Every spark I heard about when it came to finding your mate. I let my fingers twist in his light hair, drawing out a groan that sang through me. The fire just kept building between us.

Then a self-aimed vow was ringing through my head. I shoved him away, whirling around. "Go. Don't—Don't touch me again." I sobbed, already missing his lips on mine, his fingertips against my skin. "I said I'd wait. I said I'd give my mate everything. And then I let myself fall for you. I'm just that girl. And that's all people will see in me because your mate died."

"Gemma, wait."

I drew up the last bit of strength I had, turning to face him. "If you'd like I can keep teaching Selene, but I'm just her teacher and you're just my king."

He looked absolutely heartbroken. "Gemma, have you ever heard of second-chance mates?"

"Myths," I whispered, doing everything in my power to hide my tears. "Bedtime stories for children. I'm no second mate for you."

"What if they're real?"

"We're both adults, Zeke." I hated this. The tears, the crack in my voice. I hated... me for this weakness. "We both know better than to fall on a fantasy, no matter how your touch makes me feel."

"Gemma, I can't live without you."

"Zeke, don't make this harder than it has to be. Please," I begged him.

"Fine," he responded, not attempting to hide his own pain. "One last night. The next night the sky's clear you can stay in your bed or come to the clearing. I'll have your final answer."

As I requested—demanded—he didn't try to touch me again. He said nothing more to sway me. The tears poured harder as he walked out the door, leaving me slumped against my bed, my face pressed to my thighs as I tried to muffle my pain to the room's echo.

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