Chapter XV

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Gemma's POV:
It didn't take long for Zeke to get to the hospital. I expected another interrogation. Two trials, two attacks, one girl. He stopped in front of me, worry on his face. For me, for his pack, who knows? "What was my time? I didn't get to turn around and see, so—"

"Gemma Hart, you were just attacked by a member of my pack and your asking me about your trial run?!"

I flinched as Dr. Williams started the next stitch. "I am."

He huffed. "Twenty-seven minutes and fourteen seconds. Record time since someone with enhancements ran it, despite your sabotages. You never should have started climbing that wall, Gemma. You had another half an hour."

"Yeah. A half an hour they would have used up relocating people and checking for other sabotages. No thank you."

"You'd rather die than lose a trial?" he demanded.

"My father trained me for this. This was what we bonded over. He said he wanted to be watching me run that course when I grew up. So I ran the course. I ran it thinking of all of the tricks he taught me, hoping somehow he was watching. I had to run it, no matter what. You have no right to tell me I did something wrong today when you don't understand why I'm here in the first place."

Clearly uncomfortable, the doctor mumbled something about other patients, all of whom were already being assisted. The privacy was appreciated. "I'm sorry," Zeke said, his fingers grazing my bandages. "I didn't consider you might have something more to this than going through this because it exists. Look, I have to ask, have you had any contact with Rick?"


"Rick Blackwell. The wolf who attacked you. I'll take that as a no." He hesitated. "I'm going to see if your brother has an links."

"What? No! I told you I want nothing to do with him right now."

"Gemma, if your presence in this pack is going to cause this much trouble I need to know why."

"Do you want me to leave before trial three?"

"No. Look, if you don't want me talking to Zander about his enemies then you do it."

"Fine. I'll call him." I frowned. "Zeke, do you think this is part of the riddle?"

His aura flickered, the natural forest green I had picked up on over time darkening. "I don't know. I hate not knowing that answer, Gemma. I hate knowing my border isn't cloaked. I hate seeing a target on your back. I hate seeing my people worrying they're next." I stood to head out. He immediately stopped me, a hand on my shoulder. "Dr. Williams, is Gemma free to go?"

"Yes, yes," she said, taking a moment to drag her eyes from her documents. "I told you when to come back to remove the stitches, yes?" I nodded. "Good to go."

I gave Zeke a look, marching towards the door. "I'll keep rolling over the riddle. And I'll call Zander. What's Rick's last name?"

"Blackwell." He sighed. "I'm half-tempted to stick you with a bodyguard." The statement startled me. "What, are we never supposed to talk about what happens night after night? My apologies."

"Not in a public hallway. Maybe you're the reason someone wants me dead." Guilt flickered across his face and I knew he'd already considered the possibility. "Zeke, I didn't mean that. I'm just teaching Selene. That's all people know."

"It's enough to put you in harm's way."

"Zeke, I've let my guard down when I'm in a public place where no sane person would consider murder. I'll keep in mind I can't take that risk anymore. I'll be fine."

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