Chapter X

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Zeke's POV:
"When can I see Gem again?" Selene asked me as I tucked her into bed.

"Selene, she's your teacher, not your friend or babysitter." I honestly didn't know what to call Gemma at this point. My daughter was convinced they were fast friends and as for me... that girl has already gotten under my skin in ways I feared.

"But she's so nice, Daddy," Selene insisted, breaking my train of thought.

"Yes. Most teachers are. I'll talk to Gemma about another lesson soon, alright?" She nodded. "Sleep tight, sweetheart. No getting out of bed tonight."


I felt the urge to run hit me. Something was out tonight I had to be a part of. Just what, was the question. Shutting her door I headed out with a warning to my parents. We still all live in the pack house together. It may lead to some meddling, but it's a sort of tradition.

I crossed the threshold, shifting on the patio and ran for the woods, finding myself in that same clearing with the same wolf. She jolted upwards, bowing her head. It was impulsive, circling her and rubbing my side against hers. Her alpha blood did her no favors when it came to size and a protective urge once again came over me as I assessed the difference between us, red against black.

I reached to wake our mind-link. Typically wolves could only link with their own pack members but being king has its perks. "You claimed you're the fastest wolf in Eclipse, did you not?"

"Yes," she confirmed, a challenge twinkling in her eyes. "Why?"

I nipped at her back leg. "Run, little wolf."

She shot forwards, running towards the eastern tree line. She was fast. Fast enough I forgot about giving her a head start. My strength with this one would be knowing the Lotus forest far better. But then, that wasn't giving me much of an edge. Her eyes were just as quick as her feet and she'd yet to trip or so much as hesitate in a duck or leap.

This chase would be excellent. And so would the next and the one after that, should she and I both find each other here every night. I paused, a plan coming to mind. Quickly realizing I had stopped following, she faltered, eventually turning back to where I had been a moment before. From the other side I pounced. She snarled as I landed on top of her, attempting to come out of the crouch I had forced her down to. At last she settled on her belly, still radiating displeasure at being tricked.

I let myself test her, beginning to nuzzle at her neck, taking in her scent. It was addictive. I sensed a change in her and realized her wolf had taken over completely. Here we were safe to let them so I did the same, barking as she playfully tugged at my ear. Only encouraged, she rolled onto her back to swipe with her paw.

I bit her neck gently, bringing her to heel more easily than I expected.

"So all this time I've wished for your compliance, all I had to do was catch you in wolf form? I'll keep that in mind." She snorted in a way I didn't quite know how to take. "Turn over." She obeyed. Before I could hesitate again I made an intimate, irreversible claim. "I'm going to groom you, Gemma."

"Raya," she corrected me. "I'm Raya."

"Caspian." I was quite pleased when she didn't protest. Still, with the first lick at her shoulder she was wriggling. I knew at this point in the night we were past rank. A male has never done this for her. She's never had this type of care. "No one's groomed you."

"No. My parents were dead by the time I shifted. No one else cared to be so intimate."

A tender lick behind the ear told her just how intimate I could be for her, even as I questioned my own willingness. Less than a week ago I told my mother I'd never stray from my mate, yet here I was with a girl I barely knew, praying she'd be here night after night so I could continue doing these little things for her.

She was near silent the rest of the night, only letting out an occasional sound when I hit a sensitive point, pleased when I'd linger. That pleased me as well and when I had finished I laid behind her, prepared to protect her through the night, feeling just a bit heartbroken when I woke alone.
Gemma's POV:
I lunged, nearly hitting the dirt as Josh's wolf side-stepped. The cock of his head was a total "You're better than this" look. After last night my head was a mess and my seven years of training was going out the window. Last night had me relaxed and riled all at the same time when it probably didn't mean a thing to the male I was sleeping beside. I had yet to see him or any of the other royals today and that was probably a good thing.

"But we're still going out tonight, right? He wants us."

"He doesn't want anything to do with us beyond lessons for his daughter. He's admitted he's clueless, so I'm helping. It was a coincidence he found me last night."

"And Caspian grooming me was nothing?"

"Nothing. We need to start figuring out if we're going home or finding some place new to stay after the trials. Maybe I can get my name out for a warrior position somewhere."

"At this point there's no way you're getting that in Eclipse." I huffed, knowing that much was true. "Hey, if you give me control I can show this cocky jerk how it's really done."

"That little surprise is for the trials, Raya." My speed was the edge I let people see, but even that I kept suppressed. I had never let the fact I'm just as strong as a brute show during training. It's a skill set unheard of in females, alpha blood or otherwise. To flaunt it can be a death wish. "And only if absolutely necessary," I declared firmly.

"You're no fun."

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