Chapter XXXIV

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Gemma's POV:
"Zeke, help!"

I felt my mates flash of panic and felt a bit guilty about the tone I had pushed down the bond. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

"No, but I'm looking at the sixth possible dress design and I don't think your mother realizes it's almost eleven p.m."

"Alright, sweetheart. I'm almost done here. I'll be down in a minute."

"Here we have an empire waist. If you look here at the skirt's detailing you can see the little pearls—"

"Hello, hello!" Harper was quick to close the sketchbook as Zeke entered the room. "I wasn't peeking, Mom."

"Mhm. I don't trust you, young man." She frowned. "I know why you're here. I suppose you should both get some rest. We will be talking more in the morning. All three of us, Ezekiel. You're leaving your poor mate to do all the planning with me. It seems you're only drowning in work when you're getting married."

"Ah, so this is a repetitive behavior, is it?" I asked, unable to keep from smiling as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Mother, let's not pretend you didn't ban me from attending this session. After all, the groom can't see the dress, right?"

"And yesterday, when we were discussing the reception? Have you started preparing your vows? Have you had your own attire—"

"Mother, I am twenty-four years old, not seventeen anymore. All of my personal preparations are on track without your meddling, thank you very much. Can we go to bed now?"

"Yes. Fine. Tomorrow, ten o'clock sharp. All three of us are discussing this wedding. Understand?"

"We'll be there. Goodnight, Mom."
The days seemed to both drag and fly, depending on what was on the calendar. The past few days revolved around the reception, putting all the fine details in food, seating arrangements, and things of that sort. The guest list was... Well, Zeke wasn't getting his wish for a more private wedding.

I suppose if I had a favorite part in all of the chaos it was the cake tasting. Whoever had been assigned to baking had a marvelous skillset. We'd settled on one of the dark chocolate recipes and the design we'd been shown was an extravagant four-tiered masterpiece. I can't say I imagined having so much put into my wedding when I was a child. Every little girl thinks about that special day, but I guess I had been a child with quieter dreams.

Sienna called me every day. She and Zander would be driving up the day before the ceremony with some other pack members following. Kyle had made it very clear on my visit home that he expected an invitation to the wedding. I had just kissed his cheek and assured him he would be welcome before driving away.

Things are finally starting to settle for me as we approach the big day. Our wedding date had been pushed back a few weeks due to trivial matters, but October twenty-third I was to be a married woman. Properly mated. A few weeks into November and I'd officially be the queen. I wasn't going to worry about that yet. I have some time before the tailor would be here. I want to get my vows written and memorized. The tailor, Tiana, had already taken my measurements before now. With a week until the wedding this visit was about the final touches.

The design I had settled on was off shoulder with a sweetheart neckline. The top half had an elegant design of lace and pearls while the skirt was just broad enough to look full without making it difficult to move. The back of the dress was cut down to the small of my back. While my hair might cover part of my Eclipse mark, the appearance of the Lotus crest beneath it would be clear for all to see.

I sighed as I flopped down on the bed. I was stuck back in the room Zeke had put me in when I was recovering from my attack. Why did werewolves feel the need to separate mates for so long before the wedding? Some humans who live together typically do one night at most and they're far less dependent on their partners.

Despite all of the stress of it, I was thrilled of course. It was more than a legal document to me, even if our mating bond would run deeper than the ceremony. Packs didn't find any shame in unmarried mates, but it was still important to a lot of couples.

A knock on the door broke my train of thought and I stood to let Harper and Tiana into the room. My future mother-in-law was with me every step of the way and I was grateful for that. I'd be lost in the things Zeke couldn't help with. Choosing a dress, for example.

"Oh, it looks just like the drawing," I said as she uncovered the mannequin the dress hung on. "It's amazing."

"Ah, but not quite finished. Come on, then," Tiana ordered. "Get undressed and try it on."

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