Chapter XXXV

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Gemma's POV:
"The bells will soon be ringing."

I smiled at my dearest friend's antics. Already clad in her soft pink dress as my matron of honor, Sienna was standing over me fixing my hair and the bit of makeup I permitted for the occasion.  It's such a hassle for everyday wear. Why bother when you'll just sweat it off when you walk outside?

"No cold feet, right?"

I laughed. "Sienna, who gets cold feet when it comes to their mate?"

"You apparently! You ran away from him before, now don't do it again."

I rolled my eyes. Suddenly panic washed over me. "Oh my God!"

"What? What's wrong?"

"Where's Zander? Get him in here now!"

She and Harper blinked a few times, but the former queen wordlessly did as I requested while Sienna just kept working. I heard a heavy knock on the door a few moments later. "You ladies decent?" my brother asked.

"Come in, please."

Harper, Sienna, and Jill slipped out for a moment, the last woman having returned to the pack not only for the ceremony, but as my bridesmaid so I could tie in Zeke's family beyond Selene as the flower girl. And was the little angel excited about that important job we gave her.

"Zander, I am so sorry this is last minute, and you really don't have to. Please don't feel obligated since I forgot to ask. Things have just been so busy and—"

"Gem, slow down. Breathe. It's fine. Just ask."

"It's just... Yes, things are still a little weird, but I don't have Dad here and..." I huffed. "Zander, will you give me away today?"

He smiled and I hugged him. "I was hoping you'd still like me enough to let me do the honors. I love you, Gemma."

"Zander, if you make me cry I think your mate will actually be capable of committing murder."

"Of course. My mate, the queen of makeup. I'll get out of your hair so you can get dressed and all that. Oh, one more thing." He held up a gold-tipped hair pin before slipping it into my hair. "Apparently this was Mom's too. For her wedding."


The second he left the women were rushing back in to finish their preparations. "Here we go," Jill said when I was all dressed and done up. "Let's go watch my poor cousin stumble over his vows."

I rolled my eyes. If anyone was going to be stumbling today it was me. Let me pray that doesn't happen before we get to the pack church.
I tried my best to tame my smile as Zander walked me down, kissing my cheek before taking his place. "Hi," I said softly.

"Hi." My mate didn't bother hiding his own smile and it was contagious.

"Welcome everyone. You may all be seated." Our officiant was a long-time friend of Thomas' who had actually married him and Harper. "We are gathered here to day to acknowledge and celebrate the union of Ezekiel Winters and Gemma Hart."

We had requested a simple speech for the wedding, but it was still just long enough to let my stomach twist at the thought of poorly delivering my vows or something. I hated making a fool of myself and while the wedding may not be broadcasted our guest list wasn't exactly small between friends, family, and wolves from other packs who had connections to either of us.

Sensing my rising worry, Zeke subtly ran his thumbs over the backs of my hands to try and calm me. "You'll do fine, my love."

I didn't dare respond through the link or aloud. Just then we were addressed directly. "For your vows, Ezekiel."

He gave me a little smile. "Gemma Hart, I think you have to be one of the most opinionated women I've ever met. Not to mention stubborn. And amusing." He grinned at me. "I think it's safe now to tell you the moment I fell in love with you is when I saw you as a wolf, taking such caution to keep my daughter asleep beside you.

"I told you before, I never dreamed of finding another mate, so I first looked for a mother for her before searching for my queen. And you, my mate, have given us more than I could ever hope to receive when you agreed to stay for me. Thank you, my love, for mending what was broken. With all that said I vow to love and cherish you through every struggle and stand at your side with every mountain we climb."

He nodded to the officiant. "And Gemma."

"I've never believed in fate or a specific moment that your world revolves around. I've never let myself believe in fairytales and myths until I felt something so deeply that a fairytale had to be coming true. Just for us. I don't know when I fell for you. I was scared to admit I had. But I think deep down I watched myself grow into someone willing to believe in fate and myths, if only once.

"I am so grateful—Everyday I find myself so lucky to be your second chance. To be your mate. To help guide a special little girl who already calls me Mom. So thank you both for that honor. Thank you for being someone I can promise to stand beside through thick and thin. Someone I can vow to love to the end of my life and beyond."

I felt him squeeze my hands as the officiant continued. At last we had come to the declaration of intent. "Do you, Ezekiel Winters, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

"Do you, Gemma Hart, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

I couldn't contain my smile as we were led through the exchange of rings. "By the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Taking me in his arms he kissed me with no restraint, surprising me as he brought me down into a dip. I giggled as he pulled me back up, pecking my nose. "And finally," the officiant, said, calming the crowd and turning back to Zeke, "you may now mark your mate."

He leaned down again, kissing me neck before biting down. The marking was quick, yet intimate. I gasped as I felt the shift in our bond. My back began to warm and I knew my second crest now rested under Eclipse's. He pulled back, kissing my nose. "Welcome to Lotus, my love."

So, if it isn't obvious, the last time I was actually at a wedding was when I was like six. I was my uncle's flower girl. Anyways, I don't remember anything but getting stung by a bee, so if there are flaws in the ceremony shoot me a polite correction and I will edit the chapter. Hope y'all are enjoying! The journey through book one is approaching it's closure, but not to worry. I'm intending on creating a trilogy.

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