Chapter XXXIII

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Gemma's POV:
I had one last stop to make before we headed out for Lotus again. The pack's cemetery was about a ten minute drive from the pack house. With Selene occupied with other pack kids and under Sienna's watch, Zeke and I drove out to the cemetery. Before the trials I had come down here about three or four times a week. This was going to be one of the hardest normalities to leave behind, moving to Lotus.

Zeke kissed my forehead, following me out of the car. We reached the twin headstones and I sat down to face them, setting a single white rose in front of each stone. "Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad. I still don't know if there's any way you can know what's happening around here, but I finally found my first chapter. My mate. Things were so complicated for a while I couldn't see it, but now... Those feelings you told me about when I was little, they're real."

I took a breath. "I've learned a lot these last few weeks. Built bonds and heard stories. The beginning and end of yours. I always knew why you wouldn't talk that day, but I found out the truth. The stories in between... I remembered something from a while back. I remember being a little girl with passions far different from some of your expectations.

"I was ten and it was raining. Mom, you told me I couldn't do any training with Dad that day because I'd catch a cold. So you kept me in for etiquette lessons." Zeke scooted in, likely realizing this story was for him. I leaned against him. "I had absolutely no interest in learning about formal dining protocol and all that. I just told my mother that no one in Eclipse hosts formal dinners."

"And her response?"

"I was the daughter of an alpha family. I'd likely be visiting other packs who do care to host formal events." I grinned. "So I said, 'Zander is your heir. I have no need for diplomacy. Why isn't Zander here if I'm forced to be?' Apparently he'd endured the same lessons without complaint and had excelled at the skill set."

"Of course."

"'Ah, but what if you leave for good?' she asked me. 'What if you find your mate in other areas?' But I didn't understand why she could ever consider me leaving Eclipse. It was home. You can guess the question I asked."

"Just who would your mate be that would expect you to have this skill set?" I nodded. "And what did she tell you?"

"Gemma Hart, at this point I am training you for the possibility you could mate the crown prince. Now sit your butt down and show me how you think your utensils should be arranged." He raised his brows. "She had some fire when she was upset, though I don't recall her ever raising her voice." I kissed him. "She was no prophet, but somehow she knew."

"Does that mean I have their blessing to marry you?" I smiled, but before I could say another word he turned back towards the gravestones, his arm still tight around my shoulders. "I'm going to take it as your blessing. And I vow now that I intend to make your daughter the happiest woman in the world. Any part of her that needs healed, I'll do my best. Most importantly, I'll protect her. I'd lay down my life before breaking that vow. Mom, Dad, and Darien are doing great if you're wondering. Mom and Dad have been giving us plenty of good stories from the past. Some Gemma and I wish we'd heard years ago." I felt the first tear slide down and I pressed my face to his neck. "Oh, my love."

"It's really hard sometimes," I told him. "And just finding out the truth makes this different. I'm really grateful you came with me, Zeke. Thank you."

"Any time, Gem. Any time."

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