Chapter XXIII

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Zeke's POV:
The Eclipse leaders showed up about a half hour after I had Selene settled in. "Alpha Hart. Luna. Welcome back."

"How is she?" Sienna asked, rushing up the few steps to the pack house. Her mate followed more hesitantly.

"Still breathing. Healing quickly. I had her moved to a more private room since she didn't need to be in the hospital setting. She can rest more properly away from her current room."


I couldn't help but smirk. "Did Gemma not tell you the news, Alpha Hart?" Sienna's body language was suddenly quite awkward. Apparently Gemma had told her and asked her to hide it from Zander. "She's keeping a pack position in Lotus."

"One she thinks I can't provide her? That she thinks I won't provide."

"Alpha Hart, this has nothing to do with titles and positions."

"I don't understand."

"To put it simply, you see her as your little sister. The rest of our world is about to call her their queen. It turns out my mother's ridiculous fairytale ending for me held some potential after all. Gemma is my second mate, and she took a leap of faith and believed for me." I paused at the door to her temporary room. "She is a strong woman more than capable of serving our people. As soon as she's back on her feet I'll announce our engagement."

He nodded. "Just don't ask her to write any speeches. She had to take a high school communications class and wouldn't stop complaining."

I was thrown off by the joke and gave him a nod, honestly a bit humored by the statement. Yes, my mate certainly did amuse me. "Well, every leader has to make a sacrifice now and then. I'm sure you've realized that yourself at some point or another."

Before he could respond I opened the door, waving them in. Sienna rushed to the bed, startling my mother and Dr. Greene. "What's wrong?" I asked the latter directly. "You said she was on the right path."

"Relax. I like to double check my more serious cases before heading home. Gemma is on a few medications and her trial was no joke. I was just wrapping up and getting ready to leave."

"The verdict?"

"Rest easy tonight. She's flushing out her medications quickly as far as I can tell, but she's healing just as well. By the time you deliver the victor's acknowledgements she'll be standing there with the rest of them."

"Thank you, Dr. Greene. Enjoy your night."

She smiled. "Try to do the same."

When I was so paranoid about having the light of my life ripped away a second time? Not likely. Zander and Sienna had taken up positions on either side of the bed and my mother excused herself. "Thanks, Mom."

"I should say the same to you, Ezekiel."

"What for?"

"Giving me a daughter again." The pair at the bed froze, but I ignored the urge to snap at them for their nosiness. "Thank you for saving yourself."

"I wasn't the one doing the saving, Mom."

"She didn't take the first step."

"And yet she controlled my fate. And still does."

"Dr. Greene knows what she's doing. Dr. Williams had her own positive input. She'll wake up, Ezekiel."

She gave me a hug before turning and heading down the hall. "You don't think she'll pull through?" Sienna asked, her voice shaking.

I sighed. "This isn't the first time someone's told me things are looking up when it comes to my mate. Six days after I heard that, someone sent me Sam's head in a box. I won't be that stupid again." The door opened again and I turned, being met with a pair of sad hazel eyes. "Selene, I told you—"

Her eyes were watery again and she held her bear tightly. "I saw it again. In a dream. But you were down there too." I crouched down, taking her in my arms. "I want to see Gemma now."

"We're gonna give Zander and Sienna here some time, sweetheart. Just family."

"But she's our family now."

"Selene Grace, how is it you manage to turn all of my decisions in your favor when you start arguing with me? I let you get away with way too much." I turned around, still holding her there. "Do you two mind? Genuinely?"

"Oh, she's fine," Sienna said. I could tell she thought Selene was as precious as everyone else did.

"Five minutes, then back to bed. And be gentle." Never before had I seen my hyperactive daughter move so carefully. I shook my head as she lifted the covers, snuggling against Gemma. "Five minutes," I reminded her. But just like the first night they spent together it only took a moment for her eyes to droop shut, falling asleep beside my mate. "I give up," I grumbled. "I told Gemma early on she had stolen my daughter's heart and she didn't believe it."

"I doubt there's a soul on this planet who could ever dislike her," Zander put in. "Well, other than whoever planned all of this. Who was the witch on trial duty?"

"Someone out of a coven east of here. My beta set that up. I'm getting all of the details in print by tomorrow." First a witch cloaking the pack was killed to open our defenses, then a witch or warlock on trial duty was a traitor responsible for my mate's near death. "I have to consider the rest of their coven suspects as well. A precautionary team is moving in tomorrow to question them." Nothing physical yet, but I wouldn't sit back and do nothing. "You two haven't had any concerning activity in Eclipse? Gemma didn't seem to get anything from your call."

"Not yet. We're setting up some extra protection, though."

"I recommend it. It's probably a political move, but nothing has happened to the rest of my family. I can't say for sure if this is your problem or mine."

"You think that coven is trying to finish the job, don't you?" Their parents' killer.

"I don't know. I know the anniversary of their deaths passed recently. You have my condolences."

Zander smiled. "Sometimes I remember what Mom called her when she was little. She was Eclipse's little moon drop. I didn't have such an affectionate nickname."

I froze. "What did you say?"

"Little moon drop. Why?"

I tried to keep my composure. "Do you mind keeping an eye on Selene for a bit?"

"Of course we will," Sienna said. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes. Excuse me." I had some analysis to do on that riddle.
Anonymous POV:
People had been keeping an eye on their king. The rumors from the most recent mating ball and later on were growing and growing as a specific girl became more popular in Lotus. That's what the kill orders were for. The curse of a lost mate would bring a king to fall and this new true mate of his would not rescue him and steal the crown from me. I would lead a new generation and when I was through, Gemma Hart and the royal family would have no role in my kingdom.

There's no more hiding in the shadows. No more being a convenience to keep wolves hidden. No more service to the so-called superior race. No. One day soon I'd make my move and given time and planning, a witch would soon rule the wolves.

The next revolution. The Lotus King's hourglass had been turned. With the passing of a few generations of witches, wolves would be a race dropped on a timeline in a fresh history book.

Beware to the royals. Revolution is coming.

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