The Boy Who Cried "I'm Sick!" 2

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Original request by ZarbafAhmed

Part 2 request by scarlett_doc


The embarrassment ran deep in Jungkook's veins. He wondered how he had ever fallen for their dumb prank and how he had actually believed everything that the others had told him. He was too attached to the others, that was true.

He felt betrayed. He had trusted the others to not do these kinds of things. Yoongi's silly little speeches about how "he didn't mean anything bad" and how "he just wanted to cheer Jungkook up" didn't make sense. He knew that Jungkook always got stressed during the tours and he took advantage of that. That was the way Jungkook saw it. Yoongi wasn't a bad person, not when he had done so many good things, but he had fucked up hugely here.

Yoongi never admitted his fault. That was what bothered Jungkook. It was never "I'm so sorry Jungkook, I feel bad for hurting you. I will make it up to you." It was always "Oh, you know, I didn't mean anything bad. Don't be so sensitive. It was just a joke. It's been weeks since it happened, come on, please move on from it."

But nothing was that easy.

The others weren't any better. Jimin and Jin had apologized in a way that Jungkook was good with. But the rest of them didn't address the subject. Sometimes, Jungkook got the feeling that they thought that Jungkook was overreacting about everything.

If he had to be honest about himself, Jungkook had always been the sensitive type. He cried easily, was affected by criticism easily, took many things personally, and worried about things a lot. The members knew that. Why couldn't they have respected the fact that Jungkook just isn't good with pranks? Especially something as messed up as that...

It was hard. He didn't feel like talking to any of them anymore.


"Please talk to me, you idiot-"

"Leave me alone," Jungkook said.

Yoongi frowned. "Why are you still hung up over that thing? For heaven's sake, it was over two months ago!"

Jungkook's face turned red. Several of the staff members were glancing at them, some of them with snickers on their faces.

"Stop, please," he mumbled.

"Didn't your mom yell at you when you were younger? Did you hold everything that she said against her?"

"You don't understand!"

"What don't I understand?"

Jungkook shook his head. He really didn't want to fight and argue.

"Listen Jungkook," Yoongi said. "Sure, I get that you thought what was going on was real and-"

"Shut up!"

Yoongi sighed. "That was kind of rude."

Jungkook shrugged. If Yoongi thought him talking back was rude, then imagine what he would feel if somebody pulled a death prank on him. Yoongi would give two hundred more lectures on how he was wronged.

"You need to start acting normally towards us," Namjoon added softly. "This is no reason for you to not talk to us nicely."


"Behave yourself," Yoongi said.

Jungkook bit back the bitter words that threatened to come out. He nodded. He had learned it time and time again, there was no use in arguing with them.

Jungkook Oneshots and SickficsWhere stories live. Discover now