Are You Sure?

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Requested by laurenswriting1


Man, don't you sometimes just have these grand ideas of things that you want to do and then you start, and then you're like, well, what the fuck am I supposed to be doing? Like you know what you want to achieve but you have no clue how to get there?

See, Jungkook felt like that a lot when it came to his singing. He knew that he knew how to sing. That was fact. He did know. Now, there were certain times that he wanted to achieve a certain effect, a certain feeling, and he knew what that sounded like, but he couldn't pull it off. He tried, he practiced, but sometimes it would never come. Jungkook always felt that when it came to singing, there were certain limitations.

When it came to any other instrument, it was almost easier to get to another musician's position. But since everybody's voices were different, it was impossible with singing. Jungkook wanted his voice to sound exactly like a certain singer that he had heard, but that sound wasn't possible with his voice. He knew the disappointment was kind of stupid, but it was a real pain that he felt. It made him feel bad.

It wasn't always so doom and gloom though. Jungkook knew that his voice could also do cool things. It's just... it's just... you get it at this point.

It was almost certainly with new songs and albums. There was always a vision, an idea that they wanted to showcase but there was always a debate in how exactly they would do it. Would they wear plain clothes or designed clothes? Would the music video be more literal or figurative? What would the lyrics be like? It was all a very overwhelming mess at times. Untangling the numerous threads was fun and Jungkook did usually enjoy it though. It was why he had come into this line of work and why he continued to stay in it for so long.


"I want your voice to sound wispier. Do you get what I mean?" the vocal trainer said.

Jungkook frowned and shook his head. "No?"

"I mean, I want your voice to sound dreamy. I want the listener to feel taken away when they hear your voice, almost like you're someone who's not from this world. Just try, Jungkook. I know you can do it."

"Ah, okay." Jungkook took a deep breath and opened his mouth. He ran through the phrase again. His voice didn't sound wispy, it sounded strained. He sighed in frustration.

"It's not right, is it?"

"No, no it isn't." The vocal trainer smiled sympathetically at Jungkook. "Take your time. I know you can do it."

"Should I make my voice breathier?"

"Hmm, try it."

Jungkook tried to do as he said. His voice cracked midway through and he winced.

"It's okay, try again."

Jungkook tried again and again. He had heard Taehyung and Jin achieve exactly what the vocal trainer was trying to get him to do. For Taehyung, especially, it was no problem making his voice wispy.

"Jungkook, take your time. You have lots of time," she said.

Jungkook nodded. He couldn't help but feel frustrated though.


After nearly a week of trying to get that effect in his voice, he finally did it. A hint of breathiness and not much power were the trick. Jungkook knew that part would still be something that he needed to work on a lot. Now he was screwing up the melody. His voice would veer off-key if he didn't focus on it.

Jungkook Oneshots and SickficsWhere stories live. Discover now