Special : Zombie Apocalypse

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warning: blood, descriptions of injury, gore, major character death, all the fun stuff we all enjoy

Please enjoy!

also, this is OT7


Someone screamed outside. Jungkook's eyes flew open. He tried to wrack his brain, trying to think of anybody who would be out at this time. Unless if one of them had stayed late at the studio, everybody should be in bed already.

Nevertheless, Jungkook knew he had to check.

He slowly - and grumpily - slid out of bed, his knees groaning in protest.


He opened up his window, trying to look outside. It was pitch dark. A large tree, leaning against his window, blocked all the streetlights. He couldn't see anything. He would have to go outside if he wanted to truly accomplish his mission.

Jungkook grabbed a sweater from his chair and headed out of his room. The hallway stretched before him. It didn't look like anybody else was awake. He was awake all alone in the middle of the night.

He headed downstairs.

He couldn't quite put his finger on it. The atmosphere was filled with a weird feeling, almost like something sinister was about to happen. Or had already started to happen. With his heart thudding in his chest, Jungkook headed to the front door. Turning the lock open, he had to turn away due to a revolting stench coming from the outside.

He coughed. What was going on?

The door was sticky. Slime oozed from the front part. Jungkook crinkled his nose. The smell seemed to be coming from it - but he didn't have the chance to investigate further.

Footsteps scurried towards the front door. Jungkook stood there, frozen in shock. A low whisper rang in the air. He tried to decipher what it was and what it meant, but before he could, the footsteps turned into an avalanche of thundering indications that a whole herd of something was headed his way.


The smell was stronger now. Jungkook felt faint.

Then from around the corner, around the tree directly into his line of sight, up the front steps, came a whole mass of zombies. Blood was dripping down their faces, into their eyes and mouths. Pieces of their skulls were missing. One glance into their lifeless gaze and Jungkook could tell that they weren't going to spare him. Their hands stretched forward, eager to snatch him or pieces of him away.

Jungkook jumped back, terror building in his chest. He tugged at the door. It swung shut with a loud creak, but Jungkook couldn't get it to lock. The bolt seemed to be frozen in the spot. Jungkook turned around, pressing his back into the door with all his might, cursing his stupidity. The zombies kept pushing against the door, testing his strength. They weren't going to give up.

From behind the door, he could hear the same whispery tone ringing. It sounded almost like a pile of snakes would. Except these snakes had hands and feet and claws, sharp ones at that.

Jungkook fought against the door. His strength was weakening. The smell had already given him a bad headache and he wouldn't be able to stand it for much longer.

"Help!" he shrieked. "I need help!"

He didn't stop screaming. He poured all his energy into it, yelling and screaming until his voice cracked. Then even after that, he kept going. He kept going until his voice broke and his strength faded and the zombies managed to push their way through.


Namjoon's sleep had never been that good. The slightest sound or light would wake him up - it was why rooming with Taehyung was a nightmare at times. He always slept with one ear "on" at all times.

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