Two Passions in One Day

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Requested by @Noix18


It was a bit of a gamble, Jungkook knew. His parents had told him to just pick one hobby and pursue it. But his head was too full of passion to just stick to one thing.

When he was very little, he had gone on a school trip to a farm. They had been allowed to ride a small horse and Jungkook had gotten hooked. Ever since then, horseback riding was his love. He made his parents sign him up for lessons.

Looking back, he was kind of demanding, but it had worked out well. He was good at it. He had competed before and won things, he was that good. And Jungkook was proud of himself.

But when he had to pick between his dream of becoming a singer and a rider, he couldn't pick. Both of those things meant so much to him.

He decided to compromise. He would head to Seoul to become a trainee. In his free time, he would be a champion horseback rider.


Oh, how wrong he was. He thought they would get free time as a trainee.


They practiced all day long. They ran through entire songs even if Jungkook made a single mistake. It was such a waste of time, even if Jungkook had to admit, it did make him a better performer.

But it left little time to pursue his riding, which made him unhappy. He had wanted to keep going with both.

So he saught out the only time of the day that wasn't being utilized - the night. He searched up a stable that was open in the night. It was run by an old man who couldn't care less. In exchange for a little bit of money, he let Jungkook have a spare key, allowing him easy access to the horses whenever he wanted.

It was weird. But this is the way Jungkook wanted it.


"This is not good enough." The dance teacher frowned. "I need you all to stay up tonight fixing this."

Jungkook gulped. No, he didn't want to. He wanted to see his horse again.

"What if we do it early in the morning?" he asked.

The dance teacher shook his head. "No way."


The others glanced at him.

"It will be easier if we stay up," Yoongi said.

"I can't wake up early in the morning," Taehyung said. "Please, let's just do it now."

"No please, just this once. I'm really tired," Jungkook begged. He even added a yawn for extra emphasis.

As the youngest, he had certain privileges. If Jin did this, he would be called old and made fun of. But Jungkook would be cooed at and called cute. And listened to.

"Aw, he really is tired," Jimin said. "He's right. Let's call it a day."

The dance teacher didn't look happy, but he nodded anyway.

"Fine. Be here by seven."

Jungkook made sure to keep his tired image all the way back to the dorms.


He made sure the others were fast asleep and snoring by the time he slipped out. He put one of his extra pillows on his bed to make it look like he was still where he was supposed to be.

In reality, the others were too tired to check. They trusted him too much.

He pushed the door open. His bike was still attached to the bike stand in front.

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