The Value of a Seatbelt 1

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Requested by @apollocampbell

warning: descriptions of injury and surgery and blood


The photoshoot had gone well. They were now coming home from the set. It was quite a long drive, nearly three hours, and all that Jungkook had planned to do for it was sleep. Sejin was the one driving. He was their manager, had been for many years, and now even though he had been promoted, he still came to hang out with the members on a regular basis. It was something all the members loved to do, just hang out and chill out with the manager that had been there for them for so much of their career.

Jungkook trusted Sejin. The manager had done so much for him. He had taken care of him when he was sick, paid for his school supplies, let him borrow his car to go to school and so many other things that Jungkook would never forget. He trusted the manager with his life.

The maknae usually didn't do this, but today he was just extra tired and exhausted. They had had to do their photo sessions outside in the blistering heat and all of it had made Jungkook get tired very quickly. He couldn't wait to just sleep in the car. So he didn't put on his seatbelt and curled up in his seat. He would be much more comfortable without the seatbelt anyway, car crashes were rare, and even if they weren't, Jungkook figured that not wearing his belt one time wouldn't hurt.

Sejin was the one driving. He was a responsible person. He didn't drink and drive, he had gotten enough rest the night before, etc. There wasn't anything concerning about the whole situation. Jungkook was safe.

He settled himself in the front seat next to the manager. The other members sat in the middle and back seats, Namjoon and Hoseok snatching up the two most comfortable ones by the windows.

"Wake me up when we reach the dorms hyung," the maknae murmured to Sejin.

"Yeah, of course. I think the others are going to sleep as well so I'll wake you all up when we reach there."

Sejin had a faint grin on his face. Jungkook grinned back to him, mirroring his expression.

"Okay, thank you."

"No problem," Sejin chuckled.

Bringing his legs up closer to his chest, Jungkook closed his eyes. He could hear the other members' breathing even out; they were all sleeping.


He was jolted awake an hour later. Not by Sejin, but by the screeching of brakes and tires. Something was going wrong.

Jungkook opened his eyes. He didn't notice anything at first, but then he caught sight of a red van racing towards them. They were going the wrong way. Sejin was trying to brake and switch lanes, but Jungkook could tell that something was going horribly wrong. He wanted to get his seatbelt on but everything happened too quickly for him to react.

As their car tried to change lanes, the tires remained gripped on the road. The car stayed frighteningly still for a few seconds, and then started to flip.

Jungkook felt his head bash against the glass of the window. Before he could fully register the pain in his neck and head, he felt a sudden pressure on the back of his neck. Then blinding pain.

He could hear the other members screaming in pain but he couldn't scream at all. It was impossible to move his jaw. The only thing he could register was the pain in his neck and head. He could feel something warm running down the side of his neck. Blood.

There was a strange tingling feeling in his arms and legs. There was a heavy thing trapping his legs to the ground. He couldn't see what it was, but he knew it was his seat. Weirdly enough, he couldn't feel any pain from his legs. The seat must not have hurt him that much then.

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