Way Up High

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Requested by JordanHearn1998

warning: medical inaccuracies



Jungkook groaned. He had woken up feeling tired and as the day had progressed, it only seemed to get worse. It didn't help that they had an information session that evening which was mandatory. It was also not going to be held at the company building, so they actually needed to get into a car and drive.

He stayed in his bed until nearly noon, not responding when Taehyung called him to get up.

When he did get up, he was too tired to really do anything so he headed into the kitchen. Which is where the real issues began.


"Jungkook, you should eat something," Jin said.

"I'm not hungry."

Jin raised an eyebrow. "I'm not really looking forward to seeing what happens if you don't eat. You haven't eaten for a while. Go. I'll make you some ramen."

Jungkook shook his head. "No, I'll eat something before heading out but not now."

"You are eating now whether you like it or not." Jin scowled. Jungkook shuddered. Sure, maybe Jin rarely got mad but when he did, he was scary.

He knew that Jin had a point. Not eating would make his blood sugar shoot up and he would feel even worse. Fun times with diabetes. But he had skipped meals before and he had been alright. He would be okay now too. Jin could be so annoying sometimes.

And speaking of Jin, he had pulled out a few packs of ramen and was busily getting it ready. Jungkook glared at his back. It was no use saying no to him.

"I said I don't want to eat," he tried.

"And I said that you're going to," Jin said.

Jungkook huffed. He stomped out of the kitchen, trying to ignore how unsteady and weak his legs felt. Why he had to be this moody he didn't know, but it was causing him major issues.

"Has there been a fight in the household?" Yoongi asked. He was sitting at the dining table, his laptop open to a text document. He glanced at Jungkook. "Hmm?"


"Hmm, looking at your face tells me that there was."

"There wasn't."

"There was though."


"Well, actually, yes," Jin said. Jungkook whirled around. Jin seemed to just have teleported from the kitchen.

"What was it about?" Yoongi asked.

"He said that he didn't want to eat anything, which Yoongi I'm sure you know, isn't the smartest of ideas! I said he has to eat something and just like that, I committed a great felony and I'm being prosecuted for my guilty verdict."

"I don't think you used those legal terms correctly," Yoongi said, his voice monotone. "But, but-" he quickly added when Jin glared at him- "-I think he's absolutely right Jungkook. Just eat something, anything, I think I smell ramen, and everything will be okay. We don't want your um... blood sugar to go too high, right? It's a health issue. If it wasn't going to have that kind of an impact than we wouldn't have been asking you."

"I don't care about you trying to be smart, I'm trying to avoid an emergency here," Jin said.

"Yes," Yoongi said. "I know.

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