Is Shaking Okay? 1

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Requested by @The_Immature_One


It scared Jin every time even though that Jungkook having seizures was common.
He still remembered the maknae running to his room in the middle of the night in tears, crying about the fact that he was going to be kicked out of BTS for having epilepsy. That was way back in 2013.

The eldest remembered comforting him even though he had no clue how epilepsy worked.

So he and the other members had tried to educate themselves best they could and try to support their maknae as much as they could.

Jungkook didn't know how the others would react initially and had played out horrible scenarios in his mind about the members kicking him out of the dorms.
But Namjoon had given him a big hug, telling him that they would never make fun of Jungkook for his condition or exclude him. The maknae was lucky that his role model had the biggest heart. Jungkook wanted to be just like him.

Namjoon was right. They teased him about everything that he did (in a good way), but nobody ever uttered a word about his epilepsy. They didn't mention his seizures unless Jungkook himself brought them up. The boys even helped him if he needed anything.

In other words, Jungkook was beyond thankful that the members had accepted him so easily. Another reason why he loved his hyungs so much.


Jungkook woke up that morning, feeling a bit off. He had a slight headache, a pulsating throbbing pain behind his eyes, but it wasn't that bad. He decided to not tell anybody else. They would make him drink a bunch of disgusting syrups and take lots of vitamins, not to mention making him stay in bed.

They were on break. He was relieved that there were no practices today because he was scared that he would have a seizure there. It happened once and it was the most embarrassing experience of his life.

The kitchen was deserted when he walked in. Jungkook figured he was the first one up judging by the unused coffee maker and the pile of dirty dishes. Jin had wanted to wash them, but he had gotten too tired and they all forced him to go to bed.

Looks like Jungkook had found what he needed to do this morning. Washing dishes.

Rolling up his sleeves, Jungkook turned on the water. He learned this strange way of washing dishes that the others never seemed to like, but it worked for him so whatever. The two sides of the sink got filled with hot and cold water, rinse the dishes, then he dumped in soap and boom! all of the dishes were washed. What a foolproof way.

Today it seemed to take extra effort to do simple tasks such as picking up plates and turning off the water. It was like his brain was telling his hands to do something, but his hands themselves weren't getting the message. Grimacing, Jungkook briefly wondered if he should just give up and let somebody else do it, but he remembered that his hyungs raised him and he should be helping because he should show how grateful he was.

So he kept going. He actually had to get a sponge to scrub because some of the food had gotten stuck on the plate. It worsened his headache.

"Wow up so early?" Hoseok said from behind him. "Usually, a bomb explosion wouldn't be enough to wake you."

Jungkook giggled slightly. The dancer knew how to cheer him up all the time. Hoseok came to stand next to him.

"Washing the dishes too! What did we do to deserve a beautiful maknae like you?" Hoseok ruffled Jungkook's hair. "Wow, that rhymes too!"

"I don't know..." the maknae mumbled. He was almost done washing and he just wanted to get this done so he could go and lay down. In his distraction, he didn't notice how his words slurred together.

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