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Day 7, Matrimony

Notes: This is a Time and Sabre ship. Because of how Behind I am I will be making these really short and very descriptive.

We danced our wedding night away. Both of us were wearing nice suits wearing each other's colors. Steves around us cheered as we danced, giving each other unexpected kisses along the way. Nothing mattered now. It was just us together. No villains, just us. Slowly the steves faded away into the darkness, their faces melting away.

Me and Time had our final dance as he melted away with my final kiss for him. The decorations dripped on the ground leaving me alone to watch this world fade away. The music melts into a disoriented sound. Soon I was back in the familiar black void. Nothing but darkness, nothing but me.

I couldn't not be touched by the darkness so when it one everything was gone. Everything but me. I guess I broke this illusion of darkness once again. It drains my energy and mind, but it's the only peace I can get in this world.

For now the only thing on my mind was sleep. I laid on the ground making the darkness shape my lover to hold me close. Time Steve. The one that hurt the most to watch was consumed by the darkness.

I slowly feel asleep not knowing when I will wake up again, to recreate a new life once again with Time Steve. Maybe we will do an afterparty once I wake up... just him and me...
(Words 260)

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