
336 16 2

Day 10, Storm
Notes: Sabre gets PTSD from lighting. He spends time with Dark for the night, this is based on something I have written before but I won't copy it for this challenge- even though I really want to. because of how Behind I am I will be making these really short and very descriptive.

Lighting strikes as the storm rages outside. I covered my ears as I heard thunder ring in my ears. Memories flash through my mind of all the death I've seen in this world. Death I've seen from lighting... All my friends that have died from lighting, all the fights I've fought with lighting used as an attack. It makes me feel sick just hearing thunder in any type of situation.
I laid in my bed under the covers using it to cover my shaking body as I desperately tried to relax. The darkness still stained my skin, making me feel cold. I wanted to sleep, but the storm was too loud. Time is resting and is probably out like a light. Dark is probably asleep to have no problem sleeping through the loud night. I have gone through many battles. I can make it through a simple stormy night. I hope... I just need to fall asleep. If I fall asleep I'll be alright.
Lighting strikes again and I whimper quietly from the sound and flashes outside my window. I tried to push my fear down deep into my stomach, but it kept rising back up into my throat as the storm became more heavy. Fear kept coming out of my lips as I whimpered and whined from the raging storm. I just couldn't ignore the sounds... no matter how hard I tried.
The door opens suddenly. I didn't look up to see who it was. If they think I'm asleep they might just leave me alone. Instead of hearing them leave the room they came in and got into the bed. I flinched when they did.
"Sabre? Are you awake?" I recognize that voice. It was Dark Steve. He was sitting on the opposite side of the bed. I didn't say anything hoping he would just leave. I was trying to stop shaking, but the fear wouldn't let me. I heard Dark sigh and he got under the covers. He would probably see me shaking. He pulled me close to his chest.
"You're so cold... The darkness really is spreading in you..." He mumbled suddenly. Some of my tension left my body as he held me. It quickly came back as more lightning struck outside. I whimpered and Dark held me tighter.
"It's okay... it's okay... " He told me, his hand going through my hair as the storm rages on. Slowly it felt less scary. Slowly the noise quiets down. I wasn't tense anymore. I would only get tense when some lighting strikes again, but I was able to calm down quickly thanks to Dark Steve. The storm started to fade and I yawned with exhaustion. Dark Didn't leave my side even as the storm ended.
"Thank you..." I muttered weakly as I let sleep start to take me. I slowly closed my eyes, turning myself so my head was on his chest instead of my back. His hand moved from my head to his back as he gently rubbed it. Dark used his free hnd to pull the covers more over my chilled body before pulling me close again.
"Goodnight Sabre." He whispered before I let myself fall asleep.
(Words 589)

Stevetober (Original by AllyC45)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora