Chapter 69

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~ I was born in a world that showed me no remorse,

Had to find my path, had to find my course. ~


The year of 1993 had been very eventful to say the least.

Not only had Sirius Black escaped Azkaban and stayed on the run from the Ministry, he had also turned up at Hogwarts to get rid of Peter Pettigrew who was still in his Animagus form and portraying to be Ron's pet rat Scabbers.

He had briefly reconciled with his best friend Moony who was the Defence Professor at Hogwarts but all had been ruined with Snape alerting the Ministry.

In the end, Harry and Hermione had used the time turner to save both Sirius and Buckbeak and right then he had landed in Grimmauld's Place with the Hippogriff, both of them refugees and having no other place to go to.

Sirius looked around at the dark premises in disappointment. If there was one place he had vowed never to step foot in, that was his parents' home.

That very place reminded him of all the scorn and injustice he had suffered at their hands and his mother's portrait in the hall had started shrieking the second she had laid eyes on him.

For Sirius, Grimmauld Place was no different than Azkaban but if he had to elude capture, he had to stay there.

He had no idea how long he would have to spend cooped up in that tortuous house but he knew there was no other way left. The only highlight he had was that Remus would soon come to stay with him.

Then he couldn't stop himself from thinking about his cousin either. That night when he had shown up at Magnolia Crescent in the storm, he had briefly encountered Harry as well who had then taken the Knight Bus while Sirius had gone to his uncle's house.

He had seen her after so long and he had badly wanted to tell her that it was him because deep down a part of him was convinced that she would still believe him. He didn't know much about what had happened to his friends after he had been imprisoned but that night he found out about some fragments of the past through Felicity who was still unaware that the black dog she had let in her house had been none other than Sirius.

He wanted Remus to come there as soon as possible so that he could ask him to tell Fel the truth. Remus didn't know the complete truth either but at least he knew now that Sirius had not been the traitor.

Fel had no idea.

He could only imagine how torn she would have been that night when James and Lily were murdered and later her own cousin was accused of playing a key role in their deaths. He knew very well that it would have caused a lot of pain to her.

And the fact that back then she hadn't fully healed from losing Marlene either made everything twice worse.

He couldn't wait for the day he would get to see her again and tell her everything. He couldn't wait to reconcile with her and Remus.

But the tragedy was that he had no idea how long he would have to wait. And each second of waiting in that dreadful Grimmauld Place felt no less than torture.

The next year had been slightly less eventful and Sirius had gotten rather perturbed staying in the lonely mansion. Remus kept him company but neither of them had any contact with the outside world just in order to ensure that Sirius stayed hidden.

Hence Sirius's wish of Remus telling Fel everything had to wait as well.

Things got slightly worse when at the end of the year it was revealed by none other than Harry that Lord Voldemort had returned. It had been in the last task of the Triwizard Tournament that the Dark Wizard had made his appearance and also murdered Cedric Diggory.

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