Chapter 39

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~ After the rain comes a rainbow you'll see the rain go,

Never fear we too must wait for tomorrow. ~


Felicity decided to stay with her mother instead of accompanying Sirius to Magnolia Crescent as they had planned earlier. Sirius had known she would change her decision after seeing Esther, that was why he had so insisted her to visit her mother. 

After Alphard's death, Fel had distanced herself from her mother, though not really by intention. She was too disturbed to think about anything else and even though Esther had written frequently to her, she had not been able to reply to her letters.

In that situation, Sirius had kept in contact with Esther through letters, making sure that she was coping well with everything. After all, Alphard had been her first love and his loss as well as Fel's estrangement must have had a deep effect on the woman.

Now that Felicity was back with her mother, she had realized that she had been unnecessarily careless towards her. Esther had been so worried that it had affected her health and she was no longer the beautiful stunning woman she had always been before the tragedy occurring in the previous Summer break.

Even though Felicity was a bit reluctant to stay at first because she wasn't certain how Stefan would react to her presence, Sirius had persuaded her to do so for her mother. And she agreed much to Esther's relief.

Both mother and daughter were up in Fel's room, there was still some time until Stefan would return from work. Sirius had left for Magnolia Crescent hours earlier and at the moment it was just Felicity and Esther talking after what seemed like ages of silence.

"How are things at school?" Esther asked, her fingers gently running through Felicity's hair as she had laced her head in her lap, it was a habit she had abandoned years ago when she was just eleven. But at that moment, she felt the need to be as close as possible to her mother.

"As usual," she replied, "it was difficult to adjust first but my friends helped. Especially Sirius."

Esther nodded, a smile spreading on her features, "Sirius is extremely caring. He kept writing to me as well."

"He did?"

"Yes. I was glad he did because I got to know how you were doing through his letters."

Felicity looked up at her but didn't reply. She was just considering how lucky she was to have someone as caring as Sirius in her life. It was one of those moments she appreciated the little things in life, realizing their significance even though normally she had not thought about it all in such a light.

"And how's Dad?"

"Stefan's doing well," she replied, "he has been busier with his work these days so we see less of each other."

"Is he not concerned about your health?" The question slipped past her lips before she could reconsider her words.

Surprise crossed Esther's features as she shook her head, "he has been worried too. In fact he keeps urging me to go for a check up even though I tell him I'm fine."

"You're not fine."

She sighed, fingers lingering gently at her forehead, "I'll tell him to schedule an appointment for as soon as it is possible for him, happy now?"

Felicity nodded, closing her eyes as sleep was gradually overcoming her, "I'll come with you too."

"Sure, honey."

"If Dad doesn't object, that is."

"Why would he object? You're my daughter and you have a right to stay with me."

Felicity nodded in reply though her head was crammed with a million thoughts. After Esther had told Fel the truth about her father, Fel's relationship with Stefan had become even more strained. And she couldn't help but wonder whether he would have a problem with her staying for the remaining Christmas break at their place or not.

If he objected though, she knew that the doors of house 7 at Magnolia Crescent were always open for her.


Sirius had just returned from paying Arabella Figg a visit. She lived on the same street and had been on friendly terms with Alphard back when he was alive. The woman was a Squib who lived a normal Muggle life with her husband and a vast variety of cats. She had looked after Alphard's house in Sirius's absence so he had gone to thank her for her kindness. 

As he stepped inside the house, a rush of memories struck him hard and he braced himself as he locked the door, observing the haunting loneliness of the place. It was the first time for him to be completely alone in that house. Earlier he had his Uncle and then Felicity too but now that Fel was staying with her mother, he had to face the emptiness of the place by himself.

Placing his bags down and kindling up a fire in the hearth to warm up the otherwise chilly living room, he took out the Two-way mirror that he and James used to communicate with. 

"James," he mumbled, looking at the shiny reflective surface and soon enough his own reflection vanished as James's smiling face looked back at him.

"Padfoot! How are you, mate?"

A smile took over Sirius's features as well for James had that effect on him each time, his contagious laughter was enough to brighten up his mood no matter how sad he had been.

"I'm good, you?"

"Great. How's Felicity?"

"She has been staying with her mother," he replied, "Mrs Latvia wasn't feeling too well so I suggested it would be better for her to stay there instead."

James nodded, understanding the situation, "and you're back at your Uncle's place?"


His brow furrowed in a thoughtful expression after which he remarked, "hey, how about I come over as well?"

Sirius was a bit surprised at the offer, "really?"

"Of course. There are just a few days left till the break ends and I have a few ideas up my sleeve."

"Oh..." Sirius smiled back, knowing full well that his best friend was up to some mischief again, "I will be waiting."

"First thing you'll hear tomorrow morning after you wake up will be me ringing the doorbell," he winked, smiling brightly at him.

"Sure, sure. Just don't keep ringing too much or else the neighbors will not be too pleased about your arrival."

He shrugged, smile widening into a toothy grin, "oh come on, Siri. No one can possibly be not too pleased about my arrival."

"I bet Snape would like to disagree here."

He laughed at Sirius's remark, "touche."

He heard Euphemia's voice in the background, probably calling James down for dinner, "right then, go get your dinner and pack your bags. I don't think I would even be able to sleep tonight from all the excitement."

"Coming Mum!" Then turning back to the mirror, James nodded, "right. Gotta go now. I'll catch the earliest bus tomorrow."

His face vanished and Sirius's reflection came back in the mirror. A soft smile played upon his lips as he placed the mirror back, thinking about how livelier the house would get with James around.

James Potter was truly a walking sunshine of happiness and he could easily brighten anyone's dull life in the blink of an eye.


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