Chapter 13

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~ I'm always chasing rainbows, watching clouds drifting by

My schemes are just like all my dreams, ending in the sky. ~


Felicity had a mischievous smile on her face when she woke up in the morning. It was Hogsmeade weekend at last and truth be told, for the first time she had actually been waiting for it impatiently. 

When she had told Alicia that Remus Lupin had asked her out to Hogsmeade and that was why she couldn't spend the weekend with her usual group of friends, the girl had squealed in excitement. She was proud that Felicity was finally going on a date.

However all her hopes had been dampened when Felicity confirmed that they were just going as friends and also shared the fact that she had a better idea of tricking the Marauders up her sleeve and that idea was the sole reason she accepted Rem's offer.

Unknown to the four boys, she and Lily had cleared up the misunderstanding, caused that night at the Tower, ages ago. And Lily was completely aware that James was not dating Fel. However she had been asked especially by Felicity not to let others know about that so obviously, the Marauders believed that Lily was still under the impression of James dating someone else.

As Felicity got ready for breakfast, her smile only widened thinking of the surprise and disappointment that would cross Remus's face when he came to know of all the effort and time he had wasted in order to set something right which was not even wrong in the first place.

Poor dear Remus.

After a very lively breakfast, the students were lined up in the castle grounds from where they were to go to Hogsmeade. The weather was breezy and Felicity savored the feel of cold air brushing her skin. She couldn't recall the last time she had been in such a pleasant mood.

However, one thing she knew for certain was that a lot of things won't ever be the same as before, all thanks to the addition of an arrogant moron like James Potter in her life.

Remus met up with her at the gates of the castle. She observed he was slightly fidgety, something which happened when he received a lecture or a talking down from someone in authority. But her guess was that the lecture might have been given from one of his friends, not any of the Professors.

She wondered what kind of lecture it could have been. Making a good impression? Perhaps. Charming her eventually? Most likely.

Though she was also well aware that none of the lectures would have actually had a long lasting effect on Remus. He was the kind of person who would listen to all but still do what he thought best. And that was one aspect of him she had come to know of by once witnessing his argument with their former DADA Professor Harker on the topic of werewolves. 

The walk to Hogsmeade was pleasant even if it was a bit silent on Remus's part. He was accustomed to trips with his friends which were an absolute ruckus as one of them or the other would be constantly tripping, falling or lurking behind. Or in some cases using prank stuff on the poor passersby.

"So which place do you reckon which you should go to first?" he asked when they had reached the High Street and the lack of conversation was getting him slightly alarmed.

She smiled, "anywhere except Madam Puddifoot's. Or the Shrieking Shack for that instance."

"Honeydukes then," he suggested.

"Yeah that would be nice."

Felicity had a clear idea that Remus must be feeling rather awkward around her. She knew her good mood he had seen before in the library wasn't so evident in here and he must probably be wondering why on earth he asked her out to the trip.

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