Chapter 37

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~ I feel numb most of the time, the more I get the higher

I'll climb and I will wonder why, I get dark only to shine. ~


James placed a cup of coffee for Sirius on the table as he sat down beside him on the couch, "a cup of coffee keeps the chill away, Padfoot."

Sirius gave him a slight smile, "thanks, mate." He took a sip from the cup, the rich brown liquid burning his tongue a little.

"Bet all the chill's gone now," James's eyes sparked in amusement at the way Sirius had gulped it all down even though it was quite hot.

"Yup," he replied, "the hotter the coffee is, the better it tastes to me."

"You burnt off all your taste buds, how do you even know what it tastes like?"

Sirius's smile widened, "but that's the point, Prongs. It tastes marvelous now."

He looked at him skeptically, "hey what's that supposed to mean?"

Sirius didn't answer however, a slight chuckle was heard from the other side of the room. Remus and Peter were sitting by the fireplace, working on the Charms essay.

"Pete, is this an inside joke that I don't yet know about?" Prongs narrowed his eyes at Peter who simply shrugged in reply.

He looked sideways at Rem who had a meaningful smile on his face as if he too was quite amused at the situation.

"Ah, so the day has come that my brothers decide to keep secrets from me," James stood up dramatically, sweeping his eyes over them as if disappointed, "Merlin knows the anguish I feel, the bitter agony of not being let in on inside jokes again! If you lot don't consider me worthy enough for it then I may as well begone right now."

Peter was trying his best to keep himself composed but at his extremely dramatized performance, he burst into a fit of laughter.

"Wait, Prongsie," Sirius spoke amid his chuckles, "that's not the case."

"I beseech you to tell me what is the case then."

Remus was the only one of them who hadn't been laughing uncontrollably at their friend's antics (except for James himself who was still maintaining the act of being heartbroken). So he thought it would be best to take matters in his hands from then onwards, "in case you don't know, you put too much coffee powder and very little milk when you brew coffee. It would taste horrible to any other person and the only way Sirius is able to drink it is because he burns his taste buds."

James looked at the three incredulously, "excuse you?"

"Moony's right," Peter agreed, "we mutually think that brewing coffee is just not your specialty."

Sirius noticed the look of pure disappointment on his mate's face so he flung an arm round his shoulders, "hey, don't get so down about it. I still love your coffee; it has a very unique James Potter touch to it. And I wouldn't trade it for any other coffee, no matter how good it tastes."

"So all the time I gave you coffee, it tasted absolutely horrible but you never told me that?" James had a thoughtful look on his face, "and you, Moony and Wormy, you guys pretended to not like coffee even though the problem wasn't with the coffee but with my brewing?"

Peter squared his shoulders as he spoke, "I mean it does taste absolutely horrible so..."

"Come on, Prongs, have you never tasted it yourself?" Remus remarked, "not intending to be rude, but I'm seriously curious as to whether you've ever made a cup of coffee for yourself or not."

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