Author's Note

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Hi everyone!

Hope all of you are doing well and staying safe and healthy at your homes, protected from the pandemic. 

The reason behind this Author Note is a very crucial question that I want to ask from you people. 

First of all thank you so much for taking this story to more than 100K reads, I still can't believe we've crossed such a huge milestone. And I really appreciate your support and lovely comments.

As you can see a lot has happened in Astrophile, about 52 chapters have been done which is honestly quite a surprise for me too and thanks once again to all of you who have been here since the first chapter and have followed the characters of this story in their long journey.

Anyhow, coming to the main point... So the question I want to ask from you guys is that how do you want me to end this story?

There are two possible ways; either I end the story on a happy note where all the Marauders and their friends are happy and together, before the calamity on the Potter family strikes. Or I continue the story and show the war times fully because trust me I have thought this story up to the Second Wizarding War and will happily resume.

But my readers' opinion is highly valuable to me and now I need your opinion on what kind of ending you guys want from me. Mention in the comments and then the option which will be backed up by most of you guys will decide the future of this fanfic.

Keep in mind that if we take the latter option and continue the story post first wizarding war then I will have to kill off those characters who died in canon so yeah it might get a bit depressing and the story will get stretched to the Golden Trio era as well. 

But if you want a happy ending then I will end this fanfic before all the horrors start and then it's up to you to imagine what would happen next.

Let me know what you think because I'm stuck here and I can't decide myself.

Hope to see your replies in the comments.

Have a lovely day and make your quarantine time productive.

Lots of love and good wishes, 

Viola Beckham.

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