Chapter 23

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~ Feel calm, I belong I'm so happy here

It's so strong, and now I let myself be sincere. ~


Alphard was glad to have his daughter back after so many years and was feeling much better at last. Both Sirius and Felicity knew if he continued like this, he could be restored to full health provided a little time. 

And while Alphard was the only person for whom they had similar opinions and feelings, but in all other cases they were of clear opposite natures.

Felicity had banned Sirius from the kitchen except for the occasional cups of coffee or hot cocoa, which were his specialty as he loved to proudly add. Ever since then she had taken up cooking and was making sure that Alphard got a proper healthy diet.

While she was extremely cautious for Alphard's diet routine, the same couldn't be said for Sirius. Felicity had been right; it was going to be be a totally disastrous week for him and she was hell bent on making sure of that.

For one, she was determined to make him pay for all the trouble he and his friends caused her back in school. Therefore it was not a new thing for Sirius's dinner to be overly spiced or missing salt entirely depending on what she had planned for the day.

And of course his complaints wouldn't come to much use either since both Alphard and Fel would find nothing wrong with their meal and resume eating giving him looks as if he had just gone mad.

Sirius couldn't believe the unfairness of the situation. His uncle would constantly take her side and she would act as if she was a sweet little angel who could do no harm to anyone. He could easily see now what Remus meant when he had said that pranking her could backfire at them.

At the moment, both Sirius and Felicity were in the kitchen. She was wearing an apron, preparing the night's dinner while he was carefully scrutinizing her, intent on finding out when and how she messed up with the food that only the things on his plate tasted awful.

"If you're wasting your time here and thinking you'll catch me red-handed, you're clearly wrong," she remarked playfully jabbing the hot stirrer at him.

He backed off immediately in order to avoid getting burnt, "I am craving a proper meal, Felicity. It's been days and you only give me overcooked dinner or one with too much salt, pepper, spice or even sugar."

"Are you allergic to all of that?"

"No but..."

She interrupted him, "then know that I am doing this for your own benefit. You need a good spanking in order to make you a bit bearable, but since I can't do that I resorted to the easier option."

"Easier option?" he held his hands up in a dramatic gesture of distress, "I would die in a few days from having to eat this rubbish."

She narrowed her eyes at him threateningly, "oh really? Fine, you aren't getting any dinner tonight. I feel sorry for your loss but you'll have to go to sleep on an empty stomach."

"What? That's not fair!"

She was about to fire back a retort when a boy in an oversize cardigan and faded jeans entered the kitchen quite unexpectedly. Remus John Lupin. A number of expression were visible on his face before settling at last into a look of pure surprise and confusion.

"Che diavolo...," the words escaped her in a whisper however the stirrer fell right on Sirius's foot who started screaming in agony as the hot metal touched his skin.

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