Chapter 42

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~ Lean on me, when you're not strong,

And I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry on. ~


The NEWTs had come to an end much to the relief of the Seventh year students. The last exam had truly been a highlight in their otherwise stressed lives for after the exam, all the students had arranged to throw a celebratory party down in the kitchens.

The Hufflepuffs had come up with the idea which was soon supported by the Gryffindors and by the end of the day, seventh years from all the houses were gathered in the kitchens to temporarily forget about the war and celebrate the end of exams.

Felicity had never been comfortable in such huge gatherings so she slipped out when no one was noticing and went up to her alone spot at the Astronomy tower. Too many people made her feel overwhelmed and at those moments she needed to take a break from everything, so her retreat at the Astronomy tower proved to be the perfect choice for her to refresh herself.

She always felt much at ease in the company of the vast night sky and the twinkling stars dotted over here and there. It was the kind of solace that helped her forget the worries clouding her in her daily life and allowed her to come to peace with her own self.

"I thought you'd be here."

She turned around startled to here another voice and saw Marlene trudging up the stairs. She was holding a bottle of gigglewater, which she handed over to Felicity as she perched up beside her.

"Damn, these stairs feel even never ending when one's a little tipsy," Marlene remarked, "but I'm glad I made it to the top without spilling the drink."

"Gigglewater?" Felicity asked, noticing the slightly golden color of the liquid.

"Yup, since the Butterbeer went out of stock. And I know you would never accept Firewhiskey."

"Has the party gotten over yet?"

"Nope," she shook her head, "it's going on in full swing. Luckily all the noise from the kitchens can't possibly reach the Professors so there's no knowing how long the party would keep swinging."

Felicity knew Marlene loved to be the center of the party so it was a little surprising for her to be there at that moment, "were you not enjoying down there?"

"Oh I was," she admitted honestly, "but then I figured out you were missing. So I thought I may as well check up on you."

"And what if I hadn't been here?"

"Then I would have been very disappointed."

Felicity sat in silence while Marlene was humming a low tune. She risked a sideways glance at the unexpected companion; her blonde hair danced in the light night breeze, olive green eyes twinkling like the stars that were sewn on the midnight blue sky.

At last Marlene spoke up breaking the silence, "hey, I didn't bring this gigglewater up all these flights of stairs for us not to drink it, y'know."

"Oh," she was shaken out of her thoughts as she nodded, flicking her wand as she conjured two shot glasses handing one to Marlene, "right."

She corked open the bottle and filled the glasses, holding her glass up as Felicity clinked her own with it, "cheers."

At that, they downed the shot and shortly afterwards as an after effect of Gigglewater, the two burst into giggles. 

As the giggles died down, Marlene remarked, "do you know this is the first time I saw you laugh like that."

She realized that Marlene was right, Felicity seldom laughed and had never done so in front of her before. Even the most hilarious of situations could only ensue a soft smile from Felicity but not more.

"You should laugh more, Fel," Marlene resumed, refilling their glasses with the drink, "don't deprive us from hearing such a beautiful sound."

Her cheeks colored at the remark and she knew not what to say in reply. 

However, Marlene handed her the filled glass, "care for another drink?"

"Sure," she accepted it but waited, letting Marlene drink first and burst into laughter then downing her own as well.

Felicity felt an odd sort of comfort at being at the tower with Marlene. And she felt better that she had ditched the party going on downstairs for the company of the night sky as well as the cheerful Gryffindor was much needed on her behalf.

"Come on, Fel, drink up."

A short giggle burst from her but contrary to the first time, she stopped holding it inside and laughed, letting go of the worries and living in the moment for that once.

Marlene joined her as well, laughing as she gently pulled her close with her arm round her back, "see, it feels much better to just let go and laugh sometimes."

"I agree," she placed the empty bottle and glasses on the floor, away from the edge so that it wouldn't topple off, "it feels really good." 

Her green eyes twinkled in mischief as she turned to face her, "we must do it often, don't you think?" 

Felicity nodded smiling as well, "why not? Next time the gigglewater will be on me."

They had finished the whole bottle and since gigglewater did have some alcoholic content in it, even Felicity was slightly buzzed. Marlene had already been tipsy from the party so she rested her head on her shoulder, eyes fluttering close from the drowsiness, "don't let me fall, Fel. I'm trusting you with my life."

Felicity pulled her away from the edge, stumbling a little herself, "we should not be sitting here right now or else we'll both fall off."

"What a shame," she mumbled, still giggling as Fel led her down the stairs, "oh and by the way, Happy Independence Day."

She tilted her head a little to look at her, a smile playing upon her lips, "you sure are more than just tipsy, Marls."

"Independence from exams," Marlene elaborated and watched as Felicity laughed at her remark, "no more pressure for OWLs and NEWTs. Freedom at last."

"Happy Independence Day to you too then."

The staircases started moving and Felicity pulled Marlene back at the last moment or else she would have crashed down. The two fell back but everything seemed twice funnier to them at the moment.

"Come on, let's get you to your common room or else you'll probably end up falling to your death," Felicity pulled her to her feet, changing the route leading her to the Gryffindor Tower. 

"Thank you for the oh so generous offer," Marlene remarked dramatically, "I'll gladly repay the favor anytime."


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