Chapter 30

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~ Oh well, things crumble to an end 

Hell, we all die in the end. ~


The Great Hall was decorated for the last feast of the term and as always it looked extremely festive. The Marauders had vowed to keep patient until the House Cup was awarded as they didn't want to mess up Gryffindor's chance of winning the Cup so for the next half an hour, no hazard was going to take place.

But soon after that, they were going to unleash the fully thought out chaos that they had been preparing for so long and saving up for the last day of the year. 

Professor Dumbledore stood up from his seat at the High Table, a gesture which made all the chattering students quieten down for a while. The look on his face was grave, which was quite unusual, since the man always had an amused twinkle in his blue eyes. The solemnity of his features showed that he wasn't going to make a funny end of term speech like he usually did.

"Before we begin with the feast, I have a few words to say to you all," everyone in the Great Hall had their attention focused on the Headmaster, "these may not be the best times for the Wizarding World, but even in such dark times, we must all stand together. When there isn't any hope left, remember to always look for the light. Because nothing in this world is a dead end. Every cage has an escape. And to end every darkness there is a ray of light. All that matters is to look for it. Maybe this is not a thing to tell students on the last day of term and I really don't want to spoil your joy at ending the term, but I believe that the truth must be told. People should be made aware. We are standing on the brink of war. Many wizards have given up their lives for the causes they believe in. Many have been divided. And in such dreadful times, all I entreat from you is to make the right decisions. No matter what the situation, no matter what befalls you, you must always look for the light. Never give hope and always remember those who sacrificed themselves for a better tomorrow. Now if you will, I request you all to observe a moment of silence for all those who gave up their lives heroically, fighting against evil."

The room was dominated by pure silence in that short pause. After the moment ended, Dumbledore resumed, "you may enjoy the feast. And one last thing before you become quite befuddled by the food; Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."

Food magically appeared in the dishes and the students dug in. Amid the feast, James spoke up, "plan cancelled."

Sirius turned to him quite shocked, "I beg your pardon?"

He sighed, "didn't you hear? We just held a moment of silence to commemorate the martyr's courage and I can definitely not cause havoc after that. Even though the idea is very tempting, but it isn't our last day here, we can do it some other time."

Remus nodded, agreeing with him, "he has a point."

Peter too agreed, "yeah, Prong's right. We can do it in the end of term feast next year."

Sirius considered and knew that they were right, "okay, okay... Since I can't probably execute the plan without you three, guess we'll do it next year."

"Thank you," James smiled, "now would be so kind as to pass the Yorkshire pudding?"

He simply rolled his eyes mockingly, "sure Sir, there you go. Also, I would love to know how you can eat so much without blowing up to a balloon."

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