Chapter 43

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~ We will be with you and hold you,

Till you're quiet it hurts to let you go. ~


With the end of term at Hogwarts, all the students had to return to their homes but parting with the school was slightly harder on the Seventh Years because it was the last time they would be roaming the castle grounds as students.

The Hogwarts Express was scheduled for Kings Cross and the thestral carriages were waiting for the students at the castle gates to take them to the Hogsmeade Station. But an hour before their departure, Dumbledore had called a select few students from Seventh Year in his office including the Marauders and their group of friends such as Lily, Marlene, Felicity and others. They were mainly the students who had participated actively in defending the school from the Death Eater attack.

They were all much concerned as to what the reason could be for the sudden unexpected meet up in the Headmaster's office. They were huddled together waiting for him to turn up and soon the book shelf moved, revealing the Headmaster.

"Good morning Professor," James exclaimed cheerfully, it was his habit to greet Dumbledore as such each time he saw him.

A smile flickered on the old man's face, eyes twinkling behind his half moon spectacles, "good morning. I hope you all are doing well."

"Yes Sir," Sirius piqued, "though the same can't be said for the rest of the students. They are surely going to miss us when we are gone."

Dumbledore nodded, "I agree. Hogwarts will indeed remember the good times you four gave us."

He stood right in front of them and though his blue eyes were twinkling, the mirth was replaced by a slightly grave expression, making him look a bit older and wearier than usual. But then of course, a war had broken out and that had taken a toll on most of them.

"I know you must be aware of the terrible times that have befell us," he spoke up at last, eyes carefully scrutinizing each face before him, "and no wonder at times it seems as if all hope has vanished and there might be no saving from the darkness that threatens to overcome us. But what you should always remember is that hope can be found even in the darkest of times if only one remembers to turn on the light."

The students listened curiously for they had no idea what Dumbledore was going to ask from them. And contrary from usual tradition, even Sirius refrained from interrupting the Headmaster allowing him to resume with all he wished to say.

"And when it seems as if there is no one to save us, we have to become the saviors ourselves," his soft voice resonated in the office, "and right now, the only ones who can save us from this darkness are us, united together against it. I have called you here to tell you of an organization I have founded to fight the Dark forces, it consists of witches and wizards like you who wish to defend their world from this war. This is extremely confidential and I trust you all to keep this strictly between yourselves."

The students nodded in affirmation though their interest had been peaked to hear of the secret organization.

"It is titled the Order of the Phoenix. Wizards of any blood, family, ethnicity are welcome and our sole aim is to defend the Wizarding World from this rising darkness. I witnessed your bravery and valiant effort during the attack at Hogwarts and I know all of you are the hope we need. Joining the Order lies solely on your own decision. And I do not demand you to give me an answer right now. Take your time to think thoroughly and then give a reply. Your owls will know how to find me."

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