Chapter 9

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~ You must be my lucky star 'cause you make the darkness seem so far

And when I'm lost you'll be my guide, I just turn around and you're by my side. ~


The students were assembled in greenhouse number 3 as Pomona Sprout was giving a lecture on self fertilizing shrubs. Felicity was standing with her notebook and pen but was unable to take notes at the moment as her head was throbbing from lack of sleep. 

"As these plants feed on human flesh, I would advise you to wear gloves before handling them," Professor Sprout instructed as she started her round observing the students and helping them in taking care of the shrubs.

Apparently, the shrubs seemed totally harmless but Felicity realized that wasn't the case because soon as her hand made contact with the shrub, it snapped at her fingers.

"Another ungratifying and arrogant little brute," she mumbled taking a stick and spanking the plant which only resulted in it becoming more aggressive. 

Alicia who was standing beside her, laughed at the way Felicity was handling the shrub, "so I take it that all the tutoring is making you have a constant bad mood. The shrub has done nothing wrong, Fel and you are taking all of Potter's anger out on the poor creature."

"Poor creature? It tried to devour my fingers," she scowled visibly which caused Alicia to giggle more. 

"And you too tried to give it a spanking," she remarked holding back her laughter, "you should have gone to Madam Pomfrey for a Calming draught."

She mumbled, "I'm perfectly fine, thank you."

This time she was lucky that Herbology was held with Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs so she was initially spared the torture of hearing James Potter's absolute nonsense again. But she was still fuming on yesterday's episode when she found out that Sirius Black was just as good at Astronomy as she was yet Professor Sinistra asked her to tutor Potter not him.

She had accidentally seen the essays graded at Professor Sinistra's desk and was thoroughly surprised to see that Sirius's essay was graded an O and yet Professor Sinistra always made it seem as if she was the only student in the class proficient enough to tutor the likes of James Potter.

"You all must submit an essay on self fertilizing shrubs by tomorrow," Professor Sprout addressed the class before leaving, "and make sure it is of a considerate length. I won't be receiving any essay less than quarter of a scroll."

"More than a quarter of scroll to be wasted on this ungrateful shrub," Alicia whispered in her friend's ear who shook her head in disappointment.

"It's a relief that I won't have to tutor him today at least," she replied, "much of a blessing that Professor Sinistra gave me Wednesdays off. I'm definitely looking forward to a good long sleep tonight."

However fate was absolutely not in Felicity's favor because even on a Wednesday night all her hopes of being free of James Potter were crushed. She had reached the common room in higher spirits than usual but her sour mood returned soon as a third year told her that James Potter was at the Astronomy tower and he had requested her to go meet him. And also that it was absolutely urgent.

She balled her hands into fists not even replying and it was Alicia who told the third year girl that Felicity would come and that she may go now.

"Of all the things that could have happened..."

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