Chapter 12: Afterwards

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Chapter 12: Afterwards

We woke up at the same time the next day. I’m not gonna lie, the last few weeks have been a little hectic and have really had me down (with Chris’ sad past and the thought of him spending all that time alone and don’t even get me started on that ridiculous Christmas dinner) but last night… last night definitely made me forget about everything. I mean like….. woo.

We were in the bathroom at the same time. I was getting my stuff together for a quick shower and he was standing in front of the mirror. “Damn babygirl.” He had turned around and was looking at his bare back in the mirror. He had faint scratches. I don’t think I’d ever seen anyone smile as big as he did. I got a tingly feeling in my chest at the sound of my old nickname c:

I blushed. Gosh he really could make me feel insecure sometimes. I turned on the water and got in while he still smirked at his reflection. After a minute or two, I peeked at him behind the curtain. “Well are you coming in or not?” I smiled mischievously. He licked his lips and hopped in with me.


The car ride back was awkward. I didn’t know what to say. I mean, this was Chris. I should feel comfortable with him, and I do but… what exactly is someone supposed to say after..?? Chris, however, seemed completely fine. In fact, he had been smiling non-stop and humming since we woke up this morning. He was so cute. I liked seeing him this happy, made me feel better :)

“So….?” He said and looked in my direction, the smile not fading away. I was surprised his cheeks didn’t hurt. He waited for a response, looking back and forth at the road and at me.

“So.. what?” I responded not exactly sure what he was trying to ask.

“So.. did you have a good time?” He smirked.

I laughed nervously, dreading the awkwardness I felt in this conversation. I could feel myself blushing. “Chris..”

“What? You act like someone’s gonna hear us.” He laughed at me. I rolled my eyes and he rolled down the window. “HEY EVERYONE, LAST NIGHT ME AND MY GIRLFRIEND FUCKED FOR THE FIRST TIME!” He exclaimed out the window. We got stares from the cars by us that had their windows down.

“Oh. My god Chris!” I said, blushing like crazy. “Stop it! Please.” I hit him in the shoulder. I was laughing now too.

“So anyways,” He said after he could manage to stop laughing. “Christina is leaving January 3rd, just thought you’d like to know.”

“Oh um yea okay.” I just may miss Christina. Although I lost a little bit of respect for her after learning what she made Chris go to every Christmas :T

“I’m telling you that because when she lives we’ll have the place all to ourselves again.” He winked at me and I glared at him playfully. His eyes went back to the road. He was staring at it, and he looked like he was deep in thought. Then he took a deep breath. “Melanie, would you like to move in with me?”

And that took the air right out of me. Like…. What??? I don’t know if he knew this or not but all of this was new territory for me. I haven’t nor have I ever *wanted* to even think about getting to that point with a guy. Move in with him?? As in, give up my apartment and move all of my things to his place? I wasn’t ready for that. But this was Chresanto, and I should feel comfortable with him. (Yes I am aware I have said that already. I just have to keep telling myself over and over again from what he likes to call “freaking out”)

My reaction was too readable and my response was too delayed, because he quickly took it back. “Nevermind.” He said. His smile was gone. I mean I know one of the main things Chresanto valued was trust but damn, how much did I really trust him? We pulled into the parking spot for his apartment.

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