Chapter 7: The Aftermath

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Chapter 7: The Aftermath

Oh. My. God.

I was too scared to look.

I had my hands over my head, crying like a little baby, hoping and praying to GOD that it wasn't Chresanto. We hadn't known each other for long, but he was already such a special person in my life. I had, bite my tongue, fallen in love with him. I couldn't imagine what I would do without him. He provided so much comfort for me, more than some of the people I had known for years ever did. Please, please don't be him, I pleaded. I wasn't a strong Christian... but I was crying and praying all at the same time. I finally willed myself to look up and see who had been hit.

It was, in fact, Chresanto.

He was laying there on the ground.

On the motherfucking ground.

Rayan stood there, the gun shaking in his hand before jumping in his car and taking off. 

"Oh my god!" I said through tears. I don't think I had ever cried this hard. I wasn't the type of girl who cried for anything. I ran over to him, shaking him. Please don't be dead, was all I could think. What had I done? This was all my fault. I shook him and he groaned. Oh thank Jesus! "Chris! Oh my goodness you're alive!" I yelled and wiped my cheeks. 

"Mel.. did you call the ambulance." He mumbled. There was a lot of blood... I could see where he had been shot. In the arm.

"I called the police and told them someone had a gun...Dammit where are they?!" I looked around, panicking. 

"It's okay.. Mel, it's okay. Just call them again." He choked out. I could tell he was in a lot of pain but he was trying to be strong. I ran towards the car and grabbed my phone and dialed 911 again. I yelled at  them my boyfriend had been shot and where the hell were they.

I ran back over to Chresanto. He was breathing hard, trying to sit up, but he just grunted in pain and layed back down. "Boyfriend huh?" He closed his eyes, smiling. Still no ambulance. 

"Shit Chris, you're bleeding, a lot! What do I do? What do I do?" I admit I wasn't trying to stay calm AT ALL. 

"Put your hands over it to apply pressure." I nodded. I started to do it but he stopped me. "Mel.. it's gonna hurt... and I'm gonna scream. But just keep doing it okay? You'll be helping me." I nodded again. I pressed my hands over his wound, pushing down as hard as I could. He yelled in pain. He sounded so helpless... it just made me cry even more.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH shit!" He was yelling. 

"Im sorry I'm sorry I am so sorry." Was all I could say. His warm blood was gushing out all over my hands and him moving around like a worm wasn't helping. I could hear the sirens pulling up behind me. "It's okay, you're okay now Chris. You'll be fine." I cried. He nodded his head and tried to force a smile but I could see a tear fall out of one of his eyes. 

The paramedics took over and they checked me out. I told them I was fine, aside from blood being all over my arms and hands. After making sure I was okay, they directed me to talk to the police. to explain what happened and describe the shooter. The ambulance tried to take off but I called for them to wait. I wanted to ride in there with him. 

Things had calmed down on the way to the hospital. The paramedics reassured me that Chresanto was okay and that he hadn't been hit in a severe area. He was even conscious on the way there. He looked over at me sleepily (they already had him on drugs) and smiled at me. He looked down at my hands, which were still covered in his blood, and noticed they were shaking like crazy. "You look like a disaster. relax baby girl." He said and fell asleep. 

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