Chapter 9: Falling Apart

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Chapter 9:

The details of what all really happened that night are hazy, I was so heated and so many thoughts were spinning inside my head all at once. I do remember the basics though. 

I sat in shock for what seemed like forever. Rayan was getting out of jail??? When! Just a while ago it seemed like my serious troubles were over, and after me and Chris had dealt with the Lani situation everything would be fine and I would finally get to  be happy. But no, this had to happen to me too?? What gives?

After my initial shock, I stood up and slapped Jacob as hard as I could. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SOONER??" I shouted at him as a red mark the shape of my hand started to appear on the side of his face. He looked hurt. Well, he should be. I don't think I had ever hit him or yelled at him before. 

 "Mel, I'm sorry-"

 "SAVE IT!" I said now pacing back and forth. I tend to do that when I'm frustrated or worried.

  "It's just that-"

 "I SAID SAVE IT, JACOB! I really don't want to hear anything else you have to say!" I yelled at him, no longer caring if the people in the other room heard me. Honestly, I hope they did. I was sick of all the secrets between us all.

 "Melanie calm down, they'll hear us!" He whispered.

 "OH YOU DON'T WANT ME TO YELL??? IM SORRY!" I yelled even louder. I thought I could hear Chris say "what's going on?" in the other room.

  "Melanie please! It's just that Chris thought-"

 "I don't give a fuck what Chris thought, Jacob! You're my bestfriend! We always tell each other everything!" Just as I finished saying that last little bit, the door was swung open by Chris, with everyone behind him.

 "What the hell are you two arguing about in here?" He asked.

 "I don't know Chris, you tell me." I walked over to him. "Maybe it has something to do with the fact that RAYAN IS GETTING OUT OF JAIL AND YOU DIDN'T BOTHER TO TELL ME!"

 He looked shocked, and then his eyes went right over to Jacob. He clenched his jaw. "You told her??" Craig said. Chris got a look of pure anger and hatred, his jaw still clenched. He walked over to Jacob and pushed him forcefully.

 "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" He yelled at him.

 Craig decided to jump in at the moment and walked through the doorway, "Jacob... you weren't supposed to tell her." He said calmly.

 "Wait, Rayan is in JAIL??" Lani said. Oops. I forgot that she was kept in the dark about the shooting.

Bre was about to say something but I cut in. "Yes, Leilani. He shot Chresanto." I said, still furious. Bre gave me a dirty look. I turned to Chris. "Take me home. Now." I said as I looked at him. If looks could kill, everyone in the room would probably be dead by now. Chris looked at Jacob menacingly one last time. "We'll talk later." Craig said.

 Chris stormed out of the room, his shoulder slamming into mine as he walked out. I heard the front door slam behind him. I stole a look at everyone- Bre, Craig, Jacob and Lani before I turned to go. Leilani followed behind me and grabbed my arm before I could walk out the door. I saw Bre and Craig come out of the room, both of them talking to each other quietly.

 "Mel, why on earth would Ray want to shoot Chris?? I don't understand..."

 "Because Leilani." I said, amused. Bre was making a face behind her back indicating I shouldn't say, but since when do I listen to her? "Chris is my boyfriend." I walked out the door and made sure it slammed shut behind me.

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